All ICA Insight articles – Page 4
ICA roundtable: Are companies ready to trust AI?
A recent roundtable on managing resources while confronting regulatory change looked at the importance of balancing machine learning and artificial intelligence with human intelligence and intervention.
Report: Human trafficking undeterred by COVID-19
While many aspects of life over the last year have stagnated because of the pandemic, human trafficking has not slowed down. A new report from the U.S. Department of State explores the latest trends.
The importance of transaction monitoring, and the cost of getting it wrong
Transaction monitoring has evolved to the point where the emphasis is now on the requirement firms carry out ongoing monitoring of client relationships. Recent enforcement actions provide lessons on pitfalls to avoid.
The qualities demanded of a GRC professional
Working in compliance requires a mix of risk management, business strategy understanding, regulatory analysis, and interpersonal influence. Also important is overcoming one’s own internal roadblocks to doing the right thing.
Who will be suited to compliance roles in the 2020s?
The challenges for compliance moving forward through the decade will become more insidious in nature. The profession requires fresh thinking and different perspectives, complemented by creativity, curiosity, and care.
How firms can protect vulnerable customers
Vulnerable customers have finally reached the top of the regulatory priority list. New guidance from the U.K. Financial Conduct Authority sets out what will be expected of firms in providing an appropriate level of care.
ICA: Takeaways from risk assessment roundtable
A recent roundtable on best practices for risk management saw delegates share their experiences in conducting assessments that are accurate, effective, and efficient.
Are compliance officers good board material?
Compliance is perfectly primed to adapt, with the ability to influence change in culture as part of integrated and innovative approaches to risk management. Does that translate to the board level?
How global compliance works at the local level
For compliance officers working for global companies, it is important to understand the way different regions view compliance and how it may differ from your home country’s views.
Compliance changing culture requires proactive collaboration
Compliance teams might recognize opportunities for changing culture. To do so, they need to adapt readily in both purpose and approach and embrace innovation.
Curiosity is important for compliance professionals
Rapid developments in technology and an uncertain future underscore the need for compliance professionals to embrace curiosity both personally and professionally in order to protect their firms from risk.
Combating terrorist financing: Coordination and the ‘human element’
Fundamental differences in ideology and motivation differentiate a terrorist from organized criminal groups. However, a debate rages over the connection between transnational organized crime and terrorist financing.
Elevating compliance key for financial services, says former HSBC head
John Flint, former group chief executive at HSBC, considered the progress compliance has made over the last 20 years and the strides the profession must continue to make as part of a keynote at the ICA’s 2021 BIG Compliance Festival.
Tips for keeping pace with ever-evolving sanctions
The constantly changing sanctions landscape is much easier to navigate with a proper understanding of risk exposure. Here’s where firms can get started.
Three tips for beginning a career in compliance
Substantial investments from industries like financial services have helped raise the status of compliance as a rewarding career path. Jason Morris of the ICA provides insight on where aspiring compliance officers can get started.
Can compliance keep pace in a rapidly changing digital world?
In a rapidly changing digital world, thinking around compliance needs reframing. The question today is whether compliance can stay ahead of the curve.
Psychology of compliance: Counteracting bias in technology
Counteracting bias is part of the compliance officer job description, and now more than ever is it important for that duty to extend to new business technologies being implemented.
The roles of HR and compliance in driving diversity & inclusion
If HR drives diversity and inclusion strategies, the compliance function should play an important part in overseeing related changes in organizational behavior and practices.
Assessing 2020: Lessons learned for the financial crime landscape
This year has been one most of us would like to forget. As we look toward 2021, nevertheless, it is worth considering lessons learned over the last 12 months and (where possible) drawing on any positives that have come to light regarding the financial crime landscape.
The growing demand for investigation skills in compliance
As the compliance world evolves, the skill sets needed by practitioners are changing. The ability to run investigations effectively is now highly prized, and key skills, such as understanding the use of technology, will be among the most fundamental in the years ahead.