All ICA Insight articles – Page 2

  • NatWest

    Lessons in preventing AML failures


    Anybody working in financial services will know enormous effort is made to ensure their institution is on the right side of the law. Why, then, do such failures continue to exist? And crucially, what can be done to prevent their recurrence?

  • Sanctions

    Managing sanctions risk: Keys to successful implementation


    The International Compliance Association hosted a webinar looking at challenges faced by organizations regarding changes in the sanctions landscape in 2022. Holly Thomas-Wrightson offers a recap of the discussion.

  • ESG

    Joining the dots between ESG and corruption


    A report from Transparency International UK sets out the case for why business integrity and corruption should be considered as core issues in the context of impact environmental, social, and governance investing.

  • London dark

    Regulatory independence vital in U.K.’s fight against fraud


    To do their jobs properly, regulators must be able to act independently and without government intervention. Rather than seeking to tighten its grip on regulators, the U.K. government should be safeguarding their independence as a matter of urgent priority.

  • ESG

    Understanding ‘green hushing’ and its risks


    “Green hushing” is when a company adopts a radio-silence approach to environmental goals. Many companies do it. Some don’t realize they’re doing it.

  • Code of conduct

    How to build an effective code of conduct


    Literature and survey results regarding codes of conduct and ethics reveal the elements of strong (and weak) examples.

  • South Africa flag

    South Africa edges toward FATF watchlist


    South Africa could be designated by the Financial Action Task Force as a jurisdiction with anti-money laundering/countering the financing of terrorism risks subject to increased monitoring should a November review not meet the organization’s standards.

  • Diversity

    Diversity and inclusion’s power in compliance


    A panel of experts hosted by the ICA and Broadgate discussed the impact of diversity and inclusion initiatives on their own lives and why developing effective D&I policies and procedures within a firm is vital to attracting and maintaining talent.

  • Money laundering

    Effective collaboration key to fight against financial crime


    The Fintel Alliance—a partnership involving AML regulator AUSTRAC, Western Australia Police, and analysts from a handful of large banks—provides an example of the positive outcomes of collaboration in fighting financial crime.

  • Lawsuit

    Focus on professional enablers puts lawyers in spotlight


    While the extent of lawyers’ and law firms’ involvement in money laundering remains difficult to quantify, their potential role as professional enablers has become increasingly salient.

  • Inflation concept

    Fraud risks grow as cost of living soars


    Just as fraud grew during the Covid-19 pandemic, so will it now flourish with prices at historic highs. The question is just how widespread this fraud surge will prove to be and what can be done to help prevent it.

  • Change management

    Adaptability: An overlooked, and underrated, compliance skill


    Compliance professionals can utilize adaptability for its many benefits both individually and for the firms in which they work. The question, then, is how they do so.

  • AdobeStock_228118718

    Behavioral science: A tool for successful cultural change


    Real cultural change requires an understanding of the drivers of human behavior. And the most effective means of grasping these drivers is through behavioral science.

  • Human trafficking

    How compliance can help prevent human trafficking


    There are many organizations that seek to prevent human trafficking, but their work can sometimes seem distant and detached from our roles as compliance professionals. We must consider how to bridge that gap, with a particular focus on supply chains.

  • Arrogant boss

    How to deal with cultural arrogance


    Arrogance is an unpleasant trait to deal with in our professional careers. It is, however, perennial. Learning how and when to face it will be a long-term useful skill.

  • Bad communication

    Mind your language: How small changes in phrasing make big differences


    Risk and compliance professionals are tasked with trying to change attitudes and behaviors to achieve their goals. Subtle adjustments of emphasis and wording can have a significant impact on their success.

  • Metaverse

    Financial crime within the metaverse


    The momentum gathering behind the “metaverse”—a universe of virtual worlds built on blockchain technology—should be of keen interest to everyone in the regulation and compliance space, given its potential impact in terms of business, ethics, financial crime, and safety.

  • Money

    Transaction monitoring: How we can do better


    While the requirement to undertake transaction monitoring evolved because of AML legislation, its importance has been magnified and reinforced by increased regulatory attention and significant fines.

  • Phone apps

    Addressing fraud via social media


    Fraud and social media have a special relationship, with the two frequently combining to cause harm, distress, and loss to an enormous number of people.

  • RecordsMgmt

    The importance of maintenance and record-keeping


    Stringent maintenance and record-keeping measures are part of the foundations of an effective compliance and risk management framework, so their neglect is as puzzling as it is unwise.