On May 19, Compliance Week and Kroll released their 2014 Anti-Bribery & Corruption Benchmarking Report at the 9th Annual Compliance Week Conference in Washington, D.C. The results give compliance officers a view into the anti-bribery and corruption threats they face and share resources for creating a risk-based compliance program. If you haven't already downloaded a copy, now is your chance.

The ABC Report aims to give compliance officers a comprehensive view of the "ABC" (anti-bribery and corruption) risks they have, the resources they have to fight them, and how those resources are implemented into compliance programs.

Foremost, the 2014 Anti-Bribery and Corruption Benchmarking Report ("ABC Report") shows that compliance departments still struggle to understand and tame several key corruption risks. Compliance officers' understanding of how their anti-corruption programs should work is fairly widespread; one can certainly say many "standard" anti-corruption compliance practices have emerged and been adopted.
