All beneficial ownership registry articles
News Brief
Treasury says closing AML regulation loopholes top priority
The Treasury Department’s efforts to eliminate regulation loopholes that help enable money laundering in the U.S. financial system will remain a top priority as part of the agency’s 2024 national illicit finance strategy.
News Brief
U.S. BOI efforts earn it upgraded rating from FATF
The United States’s progress on implementing the beneficial ownership information reporting requirements contained within the Corporate Transparency Act earned it praise from the intergovernmental Financial Action Task Force.
Judge’s ruling calls FinCEN beneficial ownership registry into question
A federal court judge in Alabama ruled the Corporate Transparency Act was beyond Congress’s power, potentially throwing the effectiveness of the Financial Crimes Enforcement Network beneficial ownership information registry into doubt.
FinCEN head: Agency seeking to educate, not punish, BOI reporters
The Financial Crimes Enforcement Network will focus its attention regarding compliance with its new beneficial ownership reporting requirements on education and outreach during the first year of implementation, although “willful violations” will still merit punishment.
Need to know: FinCEN beneficial ownership information reporting
Many reporting companies are still unsure whether their organization is required to file beneficial ownership information with the Financial Crimes Enforcement Network or are completely unaware of the new requirements. For those with questions, we have answers.
News Brief
FinCEN sets access rules for beneficial ownership registry
The Financial Crimes Enforcement Network made several changes suggested by commenters to a new rule allowing limited access to its beneficial ownership information registry.
News Brief
FinCEN adopts beneficial ownership reporting extension for 2024 companies
The Financial Crimes Enforcement Network finalized a rule to extend the deadline for companies created or registered in 2024 to file their initial beneficial ownership information reports.
Survey: FinCEN beneficial ownership rule still a mystery to many
A survey of U.S.-based businesses—as well as the law firms and certified public accountants who serve them—uncovered a shocking lack of understanding and preparedness for looming beneficial ownership reporting requirements.
FinCEN crafting rule proposal for AML and sanctions whistleblower program
Andrea Gacki, the new director at the Financial Crimes Enforcement Network, said the agency is working to issue a notice of proposed rulemaking regarding the establishment of an anti-money laundering and sanctions whistleblower program.
News Brief
FinCEN proposes beneficial ownership reporting extension for 2024 companies
The Financial Crimes Enforcement Network announced a notice of proposed rulemaking to extend the deadline for companies created or registered in 2024 to file their initial beneficial ownership information reports.
News Brief
FinCEN publishes beneficial ownership guidance for small businesses
Nearly three months from the effective date of its beneficial ownership reporting rule, the Financial Crimes Enforcement Network released guidance for small businesses to determine whether they must comply and what information they might be required to provide.
News Brief
FinCEN alerts banks to payroll tax, workers’ compensation schemes
The Financial Crimes Enforcement Network issued a notice to financial institutions regarding its observations of increasing payroll tax evasion and workers’ compensation fraud taking place in the U.S. residential and commercial real estate construction industries.
News Brief
OFAC head Andrea Gacki shifted to lead FinCEN
Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen announced the appointment of Andrea Gacki as director of the Financial Crimes Enforcement Network.
TI director: U.S. must reckon with role as corruption facilitator
The United States is one of few leaders in the anti-corruption enforcement space but still must reckon with its role as a top facilitator of financial crime, according to the executive director at the U.S. office of Transparency International.
News Brief
FinCEN mulling beneficial ownership reporting changes amid criticism
The reporting requirements of the beneficial ownership information registry being developed by the Financial Crimes Enforcement Network will likely be revised following harsh criticism from lawmakers and businesses.
News Brief
FinCEN projects $22.7B for beneficial ownership reporting Year 1 costs
The Financial Crimes Enforcement Network estimated it will cost reporting companies a total of $22.7 billion to comply with the requirements of the agency’s beneficial ownership registry in its first year.
AML 2023 preview: Regs not backing down on beneficial ownership, tech needs
Keeping up with increasingly demanding anti-money laundering expectations in 2023 will likely mean doing more with less and figuring out where and when is the best place to use technology to aid compliance, experts say.
FinCEN proposes restricted access to beneficial ownership registry
The Treasury Department’s Financial Crimes Enforcement Network released a notice of proposed rulemaking that outlines what agencies and entities should be allowed to access the beneficial ownership registry that is in the works.
Experts: AML efforts dealt blow by CJEU beneficial ownership ruling
Determining the true owner of a company might become more difficult after Europe’s top court ruled automatic access to registers of beneficial ownership conflicted with the right to privacy.
FinCEN finalizes beneficial ownership rule, reporting requirements
The Financial Crimes Enforcement Network finalized its beneficial ownership rule, which will require certain reporting companies to file basic information with the agency about who controls their finances.