All Bribery Act articles
Extracting compliance lessons from U.K. bribery cases
Recent case law shows that when it comes to the U.K. Bribery Act, no company is considered out of reach, or not worth prosecuting, if there is a message to be sent.
RICS fines Sweett Group £125,000 in bribery case
Following the outcome of a disciplinary panel, the Royal Institute of Chartered Surveyors (RICS) this month found that Sweett Group “did not at all times act with integrity” concerning a bribery case relating to its Middle East operations. Jaclyn Jaeger reports.
SFO Airbus investigation indicates new normal in financing and compliance
The Serious Fraud Office investigation into Airbus emphasizes the importance of compliance program best practices for borrowers in obtaining funding and loan guarantees, especially in light of the latest trend: government oversight. Tom Fox reports.
Signs of Life for SFO, Enforcement of Bribery Act 2010
This week has seen a trio of significant "firsts" from the UK's Serious Fraud Office, including its first-ever Deferred Prosecution Agreement and two cases brought under section 7 of the Bribery Act 2010.
First DPA Under U.K. Bribery Act
Image: On Monday the U.K. Serious Fraud Office announced its first deferred-prosecution agreement under the Bribery Act for bribes ICBC Standard Bank Plc paid to government officials in Tanzania intended to sway their favor toward a proposed $600 million private placement. Inside, our anti-corruption blogger Tom Fox explores what lessons ...