Chapter 1: New Flex CEO drives renewed focus on sustainability
Aly McDevitt2023-05-08T16:00:00
Editor’s note: Compliance Week’s four-part case study, “Reaching into the value chain: How Flex helps drive sustainability beyond its walls,” is available exclusively to CW members.
The year Revathi Advaithi came on board as chief executive officer of Flex—2019—proved to be a hinge point for the global manufacturer.
Her arrival, along with rising global awareness of the urgency of climate action, accelerated the company’s momentum toward increasingly ambitious environmental, social, and governance (ESG) targets. It became the year designated as ground zero for future sustainability initiatives. Between now and 2030, Flex’s environmental impact metrics are measured against 2019’s base-year data.
By all accounts, Advaithi and her executive team inspired a cultural transformation in the company. Flex’s Chief Ethics and Compliance Officer Andy Powell confessed prior to Advaithi’s arrival the company’s culture needed a turnaround.