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News Brief
Treasury report recommends stricter supervision of insurers’ climate risks
The Treasury Department’s Federal Insurance Office issued a report on gaps in how states supervise and assess climate-related risks among insurers.
OCC names chief climate risk officer to lead new office
The Office of the Comptroller of the Currency has reinforced its commitment to confronting risks posed by climate change with the appointment of Yue (Nina) Chen as chief climate risk officer.
Bumps in road expected as U.K. strives to be climate risk leader
The United Kingdom has paved the way for companies to report on the future financial impact of climate risks, but the process is far from easy and rates of noncompliance—at least initially—could be high.
Ten things I’d like to see happen in 2022 (2021 in review)
ESG and cryptocurrency figure to be key topics in 2022, but we’re also keeping an eye on President Biden’s anti-corruption efforts, details on Amazon’s record GDPR fine, the status of Facebook’s first CCO, and more.
NYDFS first state banking regulator to establish Climate Risk Division
The New York State Department of Financial Services announced the creation of a new Climate Risk Division to oversee regulated entities’ efforts at managing the financial risks of climate change.
FSOC report: Climate change ‘increasing threat’ to U.S. financial stability
In a report ordered by President Joe Biden, the Financial Stability Oversight Council urged market participants, public companies, and regulators to develop a common agenda to respond to climate change-related financial risk.
Climate-related risk disclosures reach global boiling point
From local governments around the world to U.S. regulators to activist investors, the debate over corporate climate-related risk disclosures is approaching a boiling point.
A step toward managing climate risk in U.S. financial system
A nearly 200-page report on managing climate risk in the U.S. financial system is comprehensively assembled by a group spearheaded by CFTC Commissioner Rostin Behnam, but the real work comes in its implementation.
Commissioners Jackson and Lee: A critical look at Regulation S-K
SEC Commissioners Robert Jackson and Allison Herren Lee have expressed concerns about the move toward principles-based requirements with Regulation S-K and advocated for more requirements to disclose climate risk.
Study: Financial firms don’t know what they don’t know on climate risks
Financial institutions still struggle with how to manage risks posed by climate change, according to a new report.
Shell may be green when it comes to pension fund ESG requirements
A Shell pensioner is threatening to take his own pension fund to the U.K.’s Pensions Ombudsman for maladministration—unless the company can prove it is managing its climate-related risk.
A boon for U.K. financial services firms: climate disclosure guidance
New climate disclosure guidance from The European Bank for Reconstruction and Development, meant to be promoted by G20 countries, will help the largest companies in the world with how they disclose long-term impacts of climate change in their financial results. The guidance is especially sought after by financial services firms.