Companies have always relied on several third-party specialists and service providers to help carry out the work that they do. Vendors, suppliers, resellers, wholesalers, consultants, and many others have been part of the business equation for nearly as long as companies have existed. What is different now is how entwined those third parties can become these days. In the cases of large, global companies, it’s often hard to tell where the company ends and the third parties it contracts with begin. These close relationships create compliance and regulatory risks, since the company can have legal liability—especially on the Foreign Corrupt Practices Act front—for violations by third parties working on its behalf. And even where there isn’t legal liability, there is the risk of business interruption and fraud and the reputation risk that comes with working with suppliers that don’t treat workers in acceptable ways.

We know that managing all those risks is no easy task, so we bring you our “Third-Part Risk Management” publication. This e-Book is a compendium of articles Compliance Week has published jointly with the Open Compliance & Ethics Group over the last few months. Here you will find all those articles, plus the roundtable discussions OCEG has run about third-party risk management with chief compliance officers and other compliance thinkers, and OCEG’s famed illustrations: double-page spreads you can print out, stare at, and contemplate as you work to mitigate your own third-party risks. The articles address all the fundamentals of managing extended business relationships: business agility across the extended enterprise; third-party anti-corruption management; third-party risk in the financial services sector; managing supply chain risk; ending business relationships; and more.
