When conduct issues arise in your organization, how prepared are you to respond promptly with relevant, targeted communications? Is your compliance training program keeping pace with regulatory change?

Your ability to leverage the power of technology—online compliance training—has grown increasingly important to your success in addressing these questions. It’s not enough to simply deploy a few online training courses. Tailoring your approach to the needs of executives, managers, or third parties; customizing off-the-shelf offerings; and truly measuring training effectiveness are just a few ways you can begin using technology to respond, scale, and adapt your training program.

In this e-Book, produced by Compliance Week in cooperation with NAVEX Global, you’ll find five articles addressing the latest trends and developments in online compliance training. You’ll learn four time-tested methods for measuring compliance training effectiveness. You’ll also uncover key questions you should be asking when evaluating an online training provider. We’ll help you navigate pitfalls by dispelling eight myths about compliance training.
