Around the world, governments and regulators are responding to the massive trove of personal data companies are amassing and a rash of data security breaches with new strict guidelines, regulations, and laws. In response, privacy and compliance programs are increasingly at an intersection. In recent times, however, many companies have found themselves playing data defense by making sure the information they receive is accurate and secure. The truth, experts say, is that companies of all sizes, in all sectors, have plenty of work to do.

This e-Book, produced by Compliance Week in cooperation with FTI Technology, takes a closer look at how companies are reimagining information governance to protect sensitive data, meet regulatory obligations, and help drive business.

The articles cover:

Data governance best practices;

How regulators are dealing with information privacy;

Guidelines on how companies can achieve mature information governance programs;

Keeping data safe and creating procedures for removing information that has lost its value;

How cyber-drills can help a company detect and respond to a security breach;

Why employee surveillance remains a critical part of the process;

Why good tools are essential to effective data management.

Download now to learn more about how data governance is evolving to proactively protect data and reduce risk.
