FedEx’s social mission: Diversity drives better business
Aaron Nicodemus2022-05-13T11:00:00
In fiscal year 2018, FedEx Corp. earned a then-record $65.5 billion in revenue, expanded its presence in Asia, and committed to donating $200 million to charitable causes in 200 communities it served over two years. Forbes named FedEx among the world’s 10 most admired companies; FedEx also won a national award for corporate responsibility and another for its support of women’s business enterprises.
But FY2018 was significant for another reason, one other companies might have alternatively shouted from the rooftops or looked at with concern.
For the first time in its then-47-year history, FedEx was a minority-majority employee company in the United States. There was no public celebration or self-congratulatory press release—just a simple number listed as part of its environmental, social, and governance (ESG) disclosure in its 2019 Global Citizenship Report: 49.2 percent of its U.S. employees identified as Caucasian, down from 50.1 percent the year before.