All Federal Reserve articles – Page 5
Hurricane Harvey spurs regulatory relief, assistance for banks
Federal and state bank regulators have issued guidance for institutions in Texas suffering from the devastating effects of Hurricane Harvey. The advisory addresses temporary branches, loan modifications, and leniency regarding regulatory obligations and compliance deadlines.
Fed wants to reassess bank board responsibilities, institutional ratings
The Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve has announced proposals to streamline post-financial crisis regulatory burdens imposed on directors at banks and reassess how ratings are issued.
Rhetoric begins to shift to regulatory easing
While members of the Trump Administration wave off persistent critics, rule changes are starting to take root, notably for the Volcker rule.
President nominates first-ever regulatory watchdog for Fed
President Trump has nominated Randal Quarles, a former official at the Treasury Department, as a member of the Board of Governors, filling a long-vacant role as the Fed’s regulatory watchdog.
Federal Reserve urged to fire Wells Fargo's board of directors
Citing negligence of their risk management duties, Sen. Elizabeth Warren is demanding that the Federal Reserve intervene and fire embattled board members of Wells Fargo.
Federal Reserve Gov. Powell addresses regulatory reform
In a recent speech, Federal Reserve Governor Jerome Powell detailed the priorities he thinks should be part of any reconsideration of the post-recession regulatory regime.
Minneapolis Fed offers plan to end ‘too big to fail’
Federal Reserve Bank of Minneapolis President Neel Kashkari has unveiled a new plan he says would substantially reduce the rish of systemic threats from “too big to fail” financial institutions. More from Joe Mont.
Amid rate debates, Federal Reserve maintains a regulatory drumbeat
Arguments over monetary policy may dominate Federal Reserve discussion, but aside from that its influence as a regulator keeps growing. Joe Mont looks at how Chair Janet Yellen’s report to Congress went down.
Fed releases report card on capital plans of big banks
The Federal Reserve has released the results of its annual Comprehensive Capital Analysis and Review, an assessment of whether bank holding companies with $50 billion or more in total consolidated assets have effective capital planning processes and adequate assets on-hand to absorb losses during stressful conditions. While many plans passed ...
Federal Reserve releases bank stress test results
Some good news from the Federal Reserve this week: U.S. banks seem to have enough cash on hand to weather a variety of unexpected economic calamities and downturns. “The nation's largest bank holding companies continue to build their capital levels and improve their credit quality, strengthening their ability to lend ...
Fed proposes more ‘bank-like’ capital & risk standards for insurance companies
Insurance companies are increasingly targeted with bank-like regulation and oversight. The latest development: proposals by the Federal Reserve’s Board of Governors for new capital and risk management standards for systemically important insurance companies and those that own a bank or thrift. Joe Mont reports.
Banks face continuing parade of new regulations
Even as aftershocks of the Financial Crisis fade, banks continue to face a steady stream of new and evolving regulatory demands. Recent days have been no exception, says Joe Mont, with new demands regarding liquidity, swaps contracts, and a plan to undo the United States’ “see no evil” approach to ...
Federal Reserve rule addresses inter-bank lending
The Federal Reserve Board has proposed a rule intended to address the risk associated with excessive credit exposures of large banking organizations to a single counterparty. Specifically, it addresses large credit exposures between financial institutions, a practice that led to financial instability during the Financial Crisis. The proposal would apply ...
Fed Puts New Limitations on Bank Bailouts
The Federal Reserve Board has clarified its procedures for emergency lending to banking institutions and placed new restrictions on future bailouts. A final rule, approved Monday and effective on Jan. 1, broadens the existing definition of insolvency and requires that emergency lending be approved by the Treasury Department. These and ...
Fed Proposes Liquidity Disclosures, Will Improve Examinations
Image: There was a warning last week from Fed Governor Daniel Tarullo to expect an increase to stress test minimum capital requirements and a proposed rule requiring banks to publicly disclose aspects of their liquidity profile. Also announced was an effort to improve the consistency of supervisory examinations and a ...
Banks Could Face Long-Term Debt Requirements
Unveiling yet another rulemaking effort to end taxpayer bailouts when large banks fail, the Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve has proposed an increase in the loss absorbing capacity of systemically important U.S. bank holding companies and the domestic operations of smilarly designated foreign banks. Covered institutions would be ...
ISO 20022: Tepid U.S. Embrace for New Financial Standard
Image: The push to adopt a new ISO standard for financial transactions is gaining momentum on a global scale—even as the United States continues to weigh the business case for it. “It’s important because it is seen as the standard that all new financial transactions will move to over time,” ...
Fed Hands Big Banks New Risk-Based Capital Surcharges
The Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve has issued a final rule that establishes risk-based capital surcharges for financial institutions designated as “global systemically important bank holding companies.” JPMorgan was handed the largest surcharge among the nation’s eight largest banks, 4.5 percent of its risk-weighted assets. More inside.
House Vote Demands More Transparency from CFPB
The House of Representatives, with a 401-2 vote, has approved legislation that requires the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau to comply with Federal Advisory Committee Act transparency requirements. The Federal Reserve, CIA, and CFPB are among the agencies not covered by the law. More inside.
Better Ways to Test Banks’ Stress
Image: Title: KraynThe banking world will start 2015 with another bout of hand-wringing over stress tests. Critics question whether the tests probe what truly makes large banks a threat to the financial system, and banks know they must somehow use technology to streamline the annual exercise. “Throwing people at the ...