All gig economy articles

  • Glovo

    European labor laws showing teeth in crackdown on gig economy


    Recent enforcement cases against food delivery company Glovo and online retailer Amazon in Spain have shone a spotlight on the compliance difficulties associated with engaging workers as freelancers rather than full-time employees.

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    Uber, Lyft among companies trying to stymie California employment bill


    As legislation that would classify many freelance workers as employees instead of contractors nears passage in California, a few companies that would be most impacted are trying to preserve the gig economy.

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    The law is taking a bite out of the Gig Economy


    A spate of recent court decisions underscores the ongoing erosion of the Gig Economy’s model of independent contractors free from benefits, protections, or obligations.

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    Workforce compliance in the gig economy


    Today’s organizations are using contingent workers on a greater scale than ever before. Known as a “gig economy,” this task-based approach to work has added benefits, such as being a cost saver, bringing unique skills to the workforce, and more, but it also means additional risk. This edition of the ...