All Global Reporting Initiative articles
Chapter 2: ‘All in the same family’: How Flex’s 100-plus facilities align on sustainability
The global sustainability team at Flex is “the connectors” across the enterprise, said program head Barjouth Aguilar. Company leaders share observations, strategies, and technologies driving their coordinated sustainability efforts.
ESG reporting: A summary of preparers’ perspectives
Preparers speaking at a pair of recent high-profile accounting and auditing conferences discuss current practices and the challenges their controllership teams face in ESG reporting and governance.
Have your say on the new Sustainability Reporting Standards
Stakeholders have 90 days from 19 April to comment on the initial set of six GRI Sustainability Reporting Standards to the Global Sustainability Standards Board, which has been commissioned to develop and approve the rules. The new standards cover subjects and disclosures from earlier guidance in G4, but will be ...