All Hotlines articles

  • Telephone

    When academic studies and hoax hotline claims go ‘off the rails’


    Imagine this: An anonymous hotline tip comes through that a senior executive has engaged in insider trading. This scenario happened this summer as part of academic research, effectively leaving hundreds of unwitting corporate subjects to foot the bill for unnecessary follow-up conducted.

  • Blog

    Compliance and employment separation


    Before beginning any layoffs, it is essential that the compliance practitioner work with the legal department and HR function to make certain employment separation documents are in compliance with SEC rules.

  • Blog

    Internal reporting: hotlines and listening


    A look inside at some  of the best practices for a hotline.

  • Article

    How employee hotlines can improve organizational well-being


    According to the CDC, in 1965 more than forty percent of the U.S. population smoked. After decades of persistent education, the general population has come to realize that best practices include healthy decisions; decisions that increase well-being and reduce expenses. Today, less than twenty percent of the population are smokers ...

  • whistleblower_0

    How to Tell if Your Whistleblower Hotline Is Effective


    As companies strive to keep investigations internal, rather than risk high-profile regulatory intervention, improving the hotlines they use to solicit employee tips and concerns is crucial. Using metrics and industry benchmarks can help, but measuring the effectiveness of internal whistleblower efforts may be the hardest part. Some tips and trends ...