Engaging education and communication is the cornerstone of a successful ethics and compliance program. Complicating the challenge of establishing a relevant education program is the presence of four generations in the workforce with very different learning styles. The multi-generational workforce has employers concerned about how to manage such differing attitudes, tensions, different work habits, and loyalties.

With today's business paradigm requiring not only legal compliance but also ethical behavior, leaders are finding they need to shift their learning strategies to adapt to new business drivers and evolving audience requirements. It is now essential to design effective compliance and ethics education programs that reach diverse audiences across multiple time zones and to do so in a progressive and innovative manner.

This white paper provides insight about changes across the corporate learning landscape and what leading organizations are doing to bridge the generational divides. Highlighted is the role of Millenials, and how they are inspiring a new approach around collaborative learning, reverse mentorship, and promoting organizations to empower employees through new and engaging educational experiences to transform corporate cultures worldwide.
