All Nailed It or Failed It articles
Video: Apple ties exec bonuses to ESG; Twitter complicit in D.C. riot
In our first Nailed It or Failed It of 2021, Aly McDevitt praises Apple’s decision to link executive bonuses to the company’s values, while Dave Lefort delivers a somber message on Twitter and social media’s role in the riot at the U.S. Capitol.
Credit to JPMorgan Chase in this week’s banking-themed naughty/nice list
JPMorgan Chase, Danske Bank, Deutsche Bank, and Bank of America all either “Nailed It” or “Failed It” this week.
Credit to KPMG for shining a light on fraud at Wirecard
A scathing report on the extensive fraud at German payment giant Wirecard had a compliance silver lining: KPMG’s by-the-books, transparent approach to a special audit helped bring that fraud to light.
McDonald’s handling of ex-CEO scandal gets compliments, criticism
A fresh podcast from the Theranos whistleblower and a new compliance association for Black practitioners get a round of applause from us this week, while a complicated case involving McDonald’s lands the company on both the “Nailed It” and “Failed It” lists.