On May 20, Compliance Week and Kroll released their Anti-Bribery & Corruption Benchmarking Report at the 8th Annual Compliance Week Conference in Washington, D.C. The results give compliance officers a view into the anti-bribery and corruption threats they face and share resources for creating a risk-based compliance program. If you haven't already downloaded a copy, now is your chance.

Report Insights

Larger corporations based in the United States took anti-corruption programs more seriously than their smaller counterparts based elsewhere

47 percent of all respondents said they conduct no anti-corruption training with their third parties; of those who do train their third parties on anti-corruption, only 30 percent believe their efforts are effective

20 percent of corporations based outside the United States do not conduct anti-corruption training with their own employees; and,

18 percent of respondents said they either have an anti-corruption policy but don't require employees to read it, or don't have an anti-corruption policy at al
