ProcessUnity, a provider of cloud-based applications for risk management, has enhanced its Third-Party Risk Management solution with integration to the Shared Assessments Program.

ProcessUnity’s Third-Party Risk Management solution reduces the time and resource costs associated with identifying and mitigating risks posed by third-party service providers. The cloud-based service combines a vendor service catalog, automated assessment tools and interactive reporting capabilities in an extremely easy-to-use environment that allows organizations to eliminate manual tasks and focus on higher-value risk management activities.

The integration of the Third-Party Risk Management Solution with the Shared Assessments Program further streamlines the vendor control and evaluation process for ProcessUnity customers and third-party organizations leveraging Shared Assessment Program tools, including the full and lite versions of the Standardized Information Gathering (SIG) questionnaire.

With the ProcessUnity SIG connector, organizations accelerate assessment questionnaire development using industry best-practice content for subject areas such as Information Security, Privacy, Business Continuity and more.

The integration allows customers to upload any version of the SIG into ProcessUnity with a single click and use a portion or all of the content to power their questionnaires. Using ProcessUnity’s scoring and workflow capabilities, organizations can apply scoring rules for responses, assign owners, set schedules, determine scope and then automatically distribute SIG-based assessments to third parties.

The integration helps organizations improve assessment accuracy, shorten response times and increase the number of completed surveys by providing third parties with flexible response options. Vendors with a completed SIG (any version) can upload it to ProcessUnity and the system will automatically match the responses to the organization’s questions. Vendors without a completed SIG can either complete questionnaires online via ProcessUnity’s easy-to-use interface, or download an Excel-based version and upload the completed response.

ProcessUnity will demonstrate the integration during a live webcast on Wed., April 13 at 11:00 AM EDT. To register for the session, visit