Sherpa Software, a provider of information governance solutions, this week announced that they have added an easy-to-use e-discovery module to its Altitude IG solution. The new module is built specifically for in-house teams to help manage legal hold notification, search and collection for legal discovery requests, compliance requirements or internal investigations.  

“Organizations have recognized the benefits of conducting electronic discovery searches in-house,” said Kevin Ogrodnik, president of Sherpa Software. “Leveraging your internal resources to shrink the number of potentially responsive items significantly decreases costs, the number of outside counsel consulting hours needed, and minimizes the per-gigabyte hosting fees imposed by many review platforms.”

Sherpa Altitude IG is an on-demand platform designed to provide organizations with a comprehensive information governance solution.  This platform features a hosted back-end, which offers ubiquitous administrative access, and at the same time ensures secure, on-premises enforcement for corporate data to remain in place.

In addition to e-discovery, Altitude IG offers data reporting and analytics and policy enforcement modules designed to conveniently and consistently locate, identify, catalog and manage corporate electronic data. Regardless of where users are storing information, Altitude IG e-discovery can locate the content, apply a set of comprehensive search criteria, and create a result set. Searches can be scheduled or on-demand.

Key capabilities include:Cross-matter custodian management. Create and manage multiple matters simultaneously, Custodians can either be added manually or drawn automatically from the organization’s Active Directory (AD).

Legal hold notifications. An end-to-end legal hold notification mechanism notifies custodians through the application. Both the dispatch and the acknowledgement of the notification by the custodian are tracked. Notices can be re-sent and multiple holds can be applied to individual custodians while providing administrative oversight.Federated search across multiple data silos. A number of criteria are available to identify content relevant to the specific matters. E-mails may be searched based on sent/received dates, senders, recipients or content while files may be targeted based on the similar criteria. All content, including password protected PDF files, may be targeted by keywords, phrases, and patterns of text.Scalable architecture with distributed processing. A collection of the tagged items can be initiated from the console; emails and documents will be collected to a pre-defined collection location in native format within the corporate environment along with an EDRM load file, an inventory log of all collected items and an exception log for further inspection.