All Tamar Frankel articles
From ‘Institutional Self-Regulation’: Role of culture
Tamar Frankel, honored for Lifetime Achievement in Compliance at the 2022 Excellence in Compliance Awards, authorized CW to share excerpts from her book “Institutional Self-Regulation.” The following is a passage from the book’s chapter on investigations to prevent violations of the law.
From ‘Institutional Self-Regulation’: Why compliance?
Tamar Frankel, honored for Lifetime Achievement in Compliance at the 2022 Excellence in Compliance Awards, authorized CW to share excerpts from her book “Institutional Self-Regulation.” The following is a passage from the book’s chapter on compliance, governance, and self-regulation.
From ‘Institutional Self-Regulation’: Slippery slope of bad habits
Tamar Frankel, honored for Lifetime Achievement in Compliance at the 2022 Excellence in Compliance Awards, authorized CW to share excerpts from her book “Institutional Self-Regulation.” The following is a passage from the book’s chapter on institutional subversive culture, ethics, power, and behavior.
Conviction, moral fortitude define Lifetime Achievement winner Tamar Frankel
Tamar Frankel’s 50-year career as a law professor at Boston University more than satisfies her being honored for Lifetime Achievement at the 2022 Excellence in Compliance Awards. Yet, to limit the scope of Frankel’s accomplishments to her academic career would be a massive oversight.