The components of a holistic compliance program are countless – are you handling KYC and identity verification piecemeal or holistically?

Organizations face numerous obstacles when it comes to managing compliance effectively: multiple teams, manual processes, disparate data sets, disconnected platforms, and the list goes on. These challenges have consequences, too: a Dow Jones and ACAMS study found that 40 percent of companies surveyed exited a line of business due to perceived risk or the inability to manage that risk. In today’s complex economy, organizations must bridge the gaps between teams and data, as well as leverage robust technology, in order to build a holistic compliance program. Doing so allows them to view risk at the micro and macro level, and ensure they truly know their customers.

Download this white paper to learn best practices for implementing an enterprisewide compliance system. In it, CSI addresses the three major challenges organizations face:

  • Creating a unified vision for managing compliance holistically and building corporate buy-in
  • Connecting various departments, disparate systems and fractured data feeds
  • Uniting all compliance functions into a single platform without starting from scratch

This white paper gives you insight on the ways you can overcome the toughest challenges and even enhance risk management activities.

Learn more by downloading the white paper now.
