All articles by Tom Fox – Page 20

  • Blog

    Compliance has become the heart of the business


    Compliance has taken center stage in investors' eyes according to Tom Fox. Large institutional investors are beginning to evaluate companies by considering a mix of metrics, such as regulatory warnings, tangential civil lawsuit, and social responsibility. Fox has more.

  • Blog

    How JPMorgan Chase avoided prosecution over ‘Sons and Daughters’


    At one time, it looked like JPMorgan Chase had landed in fairly hot water with its ‘Sons and Daughters’ bribery scandal. But for every misstep, says Tom Fox, there is a path to freedom.

  • Blog

    Did Wells Fargo Give Prudential a Black Eye?


    Tom Fox epxlores how the business relationship between Prudential and scandal-ridden Wells Fargo put Prudential in hot water.

  • Blog

    The FCPA and ‘Islands of Honesty’


    The Man From FCPA Tom Fox explores a recent article that hopes to answer the question: Why are so many governments around the world collapsing amid corruption scandals?”

  • Blog

    Under the FCPA, 'anything of value' means precisely that


    A recent U.S. Supreme Court decision makes it very clear that when it comes to issues of potential bribery, absolutely anything that could be considered as having value is fair game as a potential agent of corruption. Tom Fox reports.

  • Blog

    Who watches the watchers?


    The recent enforcement action against Big Four accounting firm Deloitte and its Brazilian arm details what happens when an auditor is willing to lie to the government and alter work papers on behalf of a client. But what might it be willing to do to hide bribery and corruption, asks ...

  • Blog

    Self-certified due diligence is fraught with danger


    Tom Fox looks at further reverberations from the Malaysian sovereign wealth fund 1MDB scandal concerning one giant red flag: a reference provided by a third party to vouch for that third party.

  • Blog

    Ethics training and parking spaces


    A parking space is seen as a definite perk for U.S. executives, but perhaps not so in other countries. Tom Fox looks at the recent case of former Daimler President Rainer Gärtner, who—while operating out of the firm’s China-based location—overreacted to improper use of his parking spot.

  • Blog

    Compliance on the VW board


    Tom Fox explores the case of Hans Dieter Pötsch, chairman of the VW supervisory board, who could be held responsible if German prosecutors find the board had actual knowledge, but failed to keep shareholders abreast, of the emissions-testing scandal and its potential costs.

  • Blog

    Use of data in a best practices compliance program


    Tom Fox discusses how data must be continually managed, tested, and recalibrated within an organization for it to be fully effective.

  • Blog

    Did they get the memo?


    Tom Fox explores the case of Australian mining giant Rio Tinto, which recently terminated two top officials after an investigation into possible Foreign Corrupt Practices Act violations.

  • Blog

    The JPMorgan FCPA settlement and the Fed


    The recent JPMorgan Chase FCPA settlement resulted in $264 million in fines, with a portion being paid to the U.S. Federal Reserve Bank. While some contend a Fed fine should not be considered FCPA, Tom Fox says: If it walks like a duck and quacks like a duck, it is ...

  • Blog

    Going to trial in an FCPA case-it’s just a trial


    Tom Fox explores the reason behind why there’s a lack of trials for corporations when it comes to Foreign Corrupt Practices Act violations.

  • Blog

    Two top compliance programs get together


    The merger of General Electric and energy services company Baker Hughes Inc. combinews two firms that are recognized as having the very top compliance programs in the energy industry and indeed across the country. Tom Fox reports.

  • Blog

    Will Brazil’s ‘car wash’ end?


    The Man From FCPA Tom Fox explores recent reports surrounding Brazilian legislative figures trying to obstruct ongoing corruption investigations.

  • Blog

    Where is the Justice Department headed—no tea leaves needed


    Tom Fox explores what Justice Department Compliance Counsel Hui Chen has in store for enforcement in light of recent remarks from Assistant Attorney General Leslie Caldwell.

  • Blog

    What’s in your (corporate) wallet?


    With the recent scandal at Wells Fargo, The Man From FCPA Tom Fox discusses the importance of finding out what’s in your corporate wallet, i.e. what information is in your files that could point to issues that might lead to regulatory violations.

  • Blog

    Artificial intelligence meets compliance


    A look from Tom Fox at how artificial intelligence is changing the face of compliance in order to incorporate cultural values into the hiring process.

  • Blog

    1MDB-a truly international fight against corruption


    Tom Fox looks at the alleged looting of Malaysian sovereign wealth fund 1MDB and the implications it has for fighting global corruption.

  • Blog

    Conflicts of interest: The EU and the revolving door


    Tom Fox explores the recent appointment of former EU commissioner Jose Manuel Barroso to non-executive chairman of Goldman Sachs’ London-based investment bank. Is the move a violation of conflict of interest rules?