All UK articles

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    Hard Brexit, soft Brexit? U.K. can’t have its cake and eat it, too


    The U.K. is trying different ways to see if it can have its cake and eat it too when it comes to asserting its independence while still enjoying perks of EU membership.

  • Blog

    Signs of Life for SFO, Enforcement of Bribery Act 2010


    This week has seen a trio of significant "firsts" from the UK's Serious Fraud Office, including its first-ever Deferred Prosecution Agreement and two cases brought under section 7 of the Bribery Act 2010.

  • Blog

    ‘The U.K. Bribery Act After Five Years — Where Are We Now?’


    On the eve of the anniversary of the U.K. Bribery Act of 2010, CW columnist Bruce Carton hosted a panel of U.K. experts to address where the SFO stands in its enforcement and prosecution of the Bribery Act, as well as other key issues such as the introduction of deferred ...

  • Blog

    Brit Banking Regulator: Market ‘Cleaner,’ Insider Trading Down


    In its most recent Annual Report, the UK's Financial Conduct Authority stated that its "market cleanliness" statistics continue to show a "significant decline in the incidence of potential insider trading cases" since 2009. The improvement coincides with a significant increase in insider trading enforcement in the UK.

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    UK Insider Trader Returned to Prison For Failure to Repay Illegal Profits


    In the UK, insider trading prosecutions are pretty rare. Indeed, there had never even been a criminal insider trading case in the UK until 2009, and to date there have only been a total of about two dozen criminal convictions for insider trading in the UK. Pardip Saini is one ...

  • Blog

    'British Madoff' Disappears After $200M Fraud Unravels


    The UK press reported this week that a trader named Joe Lewis of Yorkshire has disappeared after admitting earlier this month that his investment firm actually stopped operating back in 2009. Despite the firm not engaging in any trading for years, investors in JL Trading continued to receive detailed monthly ...