Accounting and audit leaders can expect 2017 to be the year when monumental accounting change crashes head on with continued intensity around internal controls, and it could be an ugly collision for companies that are not adequately prepared. In this e-Book, produced by Compliance Week in cooperation with Workiva, we explore the challenges ahead, as well as how companies are getting a handle on the seemingly runaway cost increases associated with internal controls.

This eBook also explores other areas of internal controls, including the delicate balance of documenting internal control over financial reporting (ICFR). In this eBook, you will learn ways to enhance your ICFR documentation to facilitate both management’s assessment of ICFR and the external auditor’s testing of your controls in support of his or her opinion on ICFR.

Moreover, following a series of high-profile banking scandals, heads are turning to the audit committee for answers. This eBook explores how audit committees can fix errant corporate culture, how to appropriately respond to an SEC comment letter, and much more.