Workiva, the leading cloud provider of connected data, reporting, and compliance solutions, is used by thousands of enterprises across 120 countries, including more than 75 percent of Fortune 500® companies, and by government agencies. Their customers have linked over five billion data elements to trust their data, reduce risk, and save time.
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- Webcast
CPE Webcast: Real-life reactions to current corporate reporting landscape
In this session we will discuss the current state of financial and nonfinancial reporting and recent survey findings from Workiva about how attitudes on integrated reporting are evolving.
- Webcast
Webcast: Flywheel effect of unified ESG, audit and risk, and financial reporting
Hear from experts about unifying financial reporting, ESG, and audit and why the sum of the whole is greater than the sum of its parts.
- Resource
e-Book: Delivering on ESG: An inside look at FedEx’s corporate transparency
It’s one thing to talk about being a sustainable company, to conduct business in a sustainable way. It is another thing entirely to set sustainability goals, track the progress of those goals, and be transparent about decisions being made.
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Survey Report: IIA Three Lines Model: Reading between the lines
This report has the results of a recent joint survey between Compliance Week and Workiva, which show companies could benefit from the IIA’s updated Three Lines Model—especially in light of the pandemic.
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On the fast track toward enhanced internal audit
Image: Internal audit plans in 2018 give more consideration to corporate culture and the risks it might pose to the company’s success. This e-Book explores what changes these developments are creating for audit executives and steps to consider as you focus on a risk culture.
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A bird’s eye view of internal control accounting standards & risk
In this eBook, produced by Compliance Week in partnership with Workiva, we explore some of the most significant enterprise-risk management (ERM) challenges facing companies today and best practices being employed to tame those risks.
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Accounting change charges head first into internal controls
Accounting and audit leaders can expect 2017 to be the year when monumental accounting change crashes head on with continued intensity around internal controls, and it could be an ugly collision for companies that are not adequately prepared. In this e-Book, produced by Compliance Week in cooperation with Workiva, we ...
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ERM: Understanding the risks, realizing the opportunities
Title: ERM: Understanding the risks, This e-book also explores other areas of risk management, such as COSO’s Fraud Risk Management Guide, the case for why audit committees and compliance officers would be wise to consider it, and the inefficiencies they may be losing out on if they don’t. No matter ...
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e-Book: Modern Technology: Changing the Face of Audit
Advanced IT to improve monitoring and testing exists, but integrating those solutions into corporate data warehouses and business operations is harder than first thought. In this e-Book, produced by Compliance Week in cooperation with Workiva, we look at how companies can effectively revisit ERP systems or try new software.
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e-Book: Making the Leap From Compliance to ERM
For compliance and audit executives, deciding on the right enterprise risk management (ERM) structure can be a challenge—especially as the risk landscape continues to evolve with a fierce focus on anti-corruption, anti-money laundering, and cyber-security. The trick is moving from the compliance routines of today to a more coherent ERM ...
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e-Book: Leading Practices for Audit Committees
Serving on a corporate audit committee has not been easy for some time now. Required disclosures are likely to increase; the workload in dealing with the external audit firm will increase as well. Without careful attention, your audit fees will go the same way too.
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e-Book: Internal Controls in an FCPA Compliance Program
Internal controls have long been an overlooked requirement under the U.S. Foreign Corrupt Practices Act. This e-Book, written by Tom Fox, Compliance Week columnist and award-winning writer on FCPA issues, is a guide that compliance officers can follow to navigate the complexities of internal controls, to help mitigate the risk ...
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e-Book: The Evolving Role of Internal Audit
Corporations have seen an explosion in the number, type, and complexity of risks facing them today. Internal auditors are crucial players helping companies to manage those risks, which means the complexity of their role has exploded in the last decade, too. This e-Book, produced by Compliance Week in cooperation with ...
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How to avoid common pitfalls in your ORSA process
As with so many regulatory mandates, the development of an ORSA Summary Report is dependent upon much more than just data. Regulators are looking beyond the final numbers to determine if organizations are meeting the mandate, and the process used to get that final report is under equal scrutiny.
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e-Book: What to Look Out for When Implementing the COSO Framework Update
Like a house built with a solid frame, internal controls are at the core of ensuring effective compliance and risk management. Two recent developments have spurred companies to review that system of internal controls. The first is an update, published by COSO last year, to the framework most public companies ...
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e-Book: Balancing the New Demands on Sustainability Reporting
As sustainability reporting steadily moves into the mainstream, companies are faced with dual challenges: determining just what sustainability data will be informative for the audience they want to reach, and developing efficient processes to gather that data. Companies must also balance the new demands of regulators and investors as expectations ...