All Accounting Standards Codification articles – Page 2
CECL queues up as next big accounting change in 2019
The long-awaited new accounting for credit losses, better known as CECL, is moving forward in 2019 unless someone takes definitive action to delay or alter it.
FASB plans January roundtable to address CECL tension
Amid growing tension over a pending new standard on recognizing credit losses, the Financial Accounting Standards Board says it will convene a roundtable in January.
Banking regulators approve CECL relief measure
Banking regulators issued some relief for banks worried about the effects of adopting CECL, but bankers are still concerned it won’t go far enough.
New GAAP rules drive audit fee increases, poll says
New accounting standards and M&A activity are driving modest increases in audit fees for public companies, according to a new FERF survey.
House plans hearing on CECL’s effect on economy, banks
The SEC may be hands-off with respect to CECL, but the House Financial Services Committee is exploring the expected effect of the accounting change on the economy.
SAB 118 to ASC 740: Companies shift tax reporting
Shifting from one uncertain position to another, companies are facing a subtle but important change in how to explain tax reform to investors.
Lease accounting adoption taps corporate resources
The year-end push to adopt new lease accounting is taking more time and more money than companies expected, according to a new poll by EY.
Amazon pushes back on SEC revenue disclosure comment
The SEC is getting some pushback from Amazon over how it breaks up and reports revenue for its different streams under ASC 606.
FASB proposes updates to financial instrument rules
FASB has issued a proposal to amend rules on three major standards on financial instruments to address clarity and implementation issues.
FEI group provides guides on leases, CECL controls
FEI’s corporate reporting group has developed its own guides for preparers on how to assure sound controls with major new accounting adoptions.
SEC staff plans to scrutinize year-end revenue disclosures
As companies get closer to their first annual disclosures under new revenue recognition rules, staff members at the SEC are stocking up on red pens.
Tax rules, market changes may stretch goodwill testing
Big changes in market conditions and tax rules could drive some added rigor into the annual year-end test of goodwill sitting on corporate balance sheets.
Lease accounting adoption still behind, PwC poll says
More than 15 percent of public companies surveyed in late October had not yet begun implementing the new lease accounting standard that takes effect Jan. 1.
SEC, FASB members offer no hopes for CECL delay
Amid calls for a delay or changes to CECL, the SEC's chief accountant is defending the rulemaking process under FASB and its independence.
Despite calls to delay CECL, FASB plans amendments
FASB has decided to follow the advice of an advisory group and make some changes to CECL to address implementation issues.
FASB finalizes rules on collaborative arrangements
The FASB continues to field and answer one-off questions on revenue recognition, with the most recent installments on collaborative arrangements and franchise fees.
FASB edits hedging standard, more changes to come
FASB has finalized a change to the new hedge accounting standard to expand the list of permissible U.S. benchmark interest rates.
Big changes in store for goodwill testing, report says
Big changes in tax and accounting rules should produce big changes in goodwill impairment testing this year, according to a new report from Mercer.
Add hedging to year-end accounting change to-do list
The accounting may be simpler under a new standard on hedging, but that doesn’t mean the transition is any simpler than for any other accounting change.
Banks appeal to Treasury to intervene on CECL
Banks are asking Treasury to intervene on CECL and delay it, worried implementation will threaten financial stability in a future recession.