All Accounting Standards Codification articles – Page 3
Companies launch year-end push to new lease rules
The Q4 dash to new lease accounting is on, and it’s looking like some companies will not flip the switch to new systems by the Jan. 1 effective date.
Revenue compliance questioned heading toward year-end
Whatever public companies have disclosed about revenue recognition so far, regulatory reaction after two quarterly filings would suggest they should plan to say more.
Lease tools emerge to aid in last-minute adoption work
With less than three months until new lease accounting rules take effect, new tools are emerging to help companies that are still working on implementation.
Companies should revisit revenue compliance, SEC staff hint
SEC staff have signaled companies might want to take a second look at their revenue recognition compliance as they approach their first year-end filing under ASC 606.
Tax reform puts pressure on foreign earnings assertions
The Tax Cuts and Jobs Act is compelling companies to think hard about long-standing assertions that foreign earnings are indefinitely reinvested abroad.
Lease adoption work will spill into 2019, poll suggests
Plenty of companies adopting new lease accounting rules for a Jan. 1, 2019, effective date are likely to continue their implementation work even into the first quarter.
SEC will watch for SAB 74 disclosure leading to CECL
The SEC will be looking for increasingly detailed disclosures to investors about the expected effects of moving to a new method for recognizing credit losses.
FASB takes red pen to rules on financial instruments
The Financial Accounting Standards Board is planning a number of updates to accounting standards around all three of its major new standards on financial instruments.
Big 4 get input on how to treat GILTI under tax law
Big 4 firms are meeting with FASB and SEC staff to sort out how to report certain effects of tax reform when clarity on provisions within the tax law is still elusive.
Guidance equips companies to advance CECL adoption
Recent guidance and potentially more to come is aiding companies in their long journey to adopt the new CECL method for reflecting credit losses.
FASB reprises materiality language, edits disclosures
GAAP now contains a shorter list of disclosure requirements for fair-value measurements and defined benefit plans, along with a reprised definition of materiality.
FASB proposes amendments to CECL standard
The Financial Accounting Standards Board is proposing some amendments to the pending new standard on credit losses.
Struggling with segment reporting? Relief may be coming
Long a thorn in the side of preparers and regulators alike, segment reporting rules may finally be getting a tune-up designed to make compliance more straightforward.
FASB finalizes new standard on insurance contracts
FASB has issued a new accounting standard that revises the reporting around long-duration contracts for insurance companies.
FASB proposes lease rule simplification for lessors
FASB has taken another step to make the adoption of the huge new standard on lease accounting a little simpler—this time for lessors.
FASB seeks preparer input on segment reporting ideas
To help figure out what to do to improve segment reporting, FASB is looking for public companies to participate in a study.
FASB approves huge simplification to lease rules
FASB has finalized an enormous simplification of the pending new lease accounting standard, permitting companies to forego historic presentations.
Non-GAAP reporting smooths currency-driven volatility
As trade and tariff wars wage on, companies use non-GAAP accounting to try to explain the resulting currency volatility in reported financial results.
Revenue 2.0: Work continues to adapt to new rules
Even after calendar-yer companies have filed their first-quarter reports reflecting a new way to recognize revenue, work continues to adapt to the new rules.
FASB approves tweaks to lease accounting standard
The Financial Accounting Standards Board has finalized a number of improvements to its new guidance on lease accounting, which public companies are working to adopt in 2019.