All anti-corruption articles – Page 3
Auto industry choking on its own fumes
Volkswagen gets all the stick for being a problem child of the auto industry, but plenty of automakers have compliance issues of their own. A look at some key auto maker probes is inside.
Incentivising ethics: Lessons from Wells Fargo
A recent report from Transparency International outlines how incorporating five key principles into an incentives program can help organizations keep from becoming the next Wells Fargo.
A deep dive into the World Bank’s investigation process
Debarments from the World Bank are just one way in which companies can run afoul of serious compliance problems if they are not careful.
FIFA fires its own investigators
When it comes to brassiness, one really cannot do much better than FIFA. After having survived one of the world's greatest scandals, the international governing body of football is replacing the leadership of its ethics committee, in effect dismissing the judge and the prosecutor whose investigations resulted in the suspensions ...
Uganda—a demand side response to corruption
A look at corruption in Uganda and the government’s fear that the high level of corruption is making life worse for citizens and driving out foreign investment.
FIFA audit official pleads guilty to corruption charges, gets suspended
A member of FIFA’s audit and compliance committee pleaded guilty yesterday to charges of wire fraud conspiracy for his participation in multiple schemes to accept and pay bribes to soccer officials and received a 90-day suspension by FIFA from all football activities at both the national and international level.
The international side of the Odebrecht case
The Odebrecht corruption case is already a thing of legend for its size and scope, but it might ultimately be better known for the improvement in international compliance it will encourage.
Reputational risk leading boards to focus on anti-corruption efforts
The 2017 Anti-Bribery and Corruption Benchmarking Report cites increasing board activity and awareness in response to increased regulatory expectations and reputational risk.
ING faces corruption probe
Global financial institution ING confirmed it is the subject of a criminal investigation by Dutch authorities for money laundering and corrupt practices in Uzbekistan. The Netherlands-based company has also received related information requests from U.S. authorities.
New foundation to protect sports whistleblowers
A venture capitalist, a former United States federal prosecutor, and an Olympic gold medalist have formed a non-profit foundation, Fair Sport, to help mitigate risk for whistleblowers in the wide, wide world of sports.
The future of anti-corruption in Trump’s America
We are only a month into the Trump administration, and there are already a number of compliance developments to keep an eye on.
Global anti-bribery enforcement on the rise
Sharing information and expanding enforcement pipelines are fueling a global crackdown on corruption in general, but especially in the extractive industry.
OECD releases guidance to ensure responsible business conduct in garment industry
Neil Hodge offers a look at guidance from the Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development meant to help businesses in the garment industry identify and mitigate risk in their supply chains.
The Samsung corruption scandal—an unrecognized cost
The past year was particularly bad for Korean electronics giant Samsung, and it looks like 2017 has gotten off to the same rough start. Tom Fox looks at the recent arrest of Lee Jae-yong, vice chairman of Samsung Electronics, on charges of bribery, embezzlement, and perjury.
Insider trading allegations at Deutsche Borse could complicate LSE merger
Did Deutsche Borse CEO Carsten Kengeter make a lucky stock purchase in his own company, or did he act on inside knowledge of a planned merger with LSE? Neil Hodge reports.
Spain and the fight against royal corruption
A guilty verdict that sent the brother-in-law of the King of Spain to jail for fraud could signal that Spain is getting serious about corruption. Tom Fox says it was the first time a member of the Spanish royal family had been forced to stand trial, a move widely applauded ...
Global anti-corruption enforcement numbers going up
Tom Fox discusses the reasons behind the rise in anti-corruption enforcement and the latest actions by the Securities and Exchange Commission and Department of Justice.
British police act as financial regulator in HBOS takedown
British police arrested six people this week—two of them managers of banking and insurance firm HBOS—to end a six-year fraud investigation into a decade-old scandal. Neil Hodge reports.
Why bribery is bad for business
The Man From FCPA Tom Fox explores what happens when a company’s foundation is shaky and illegal.
The Fourth Estate and the fight against corruption
‘When one plank of the fight against bribery and corruption’ falters, the media steps in. Tom Fox looks at the press’s role in fighting crime.