All Boards & Shareholders articles
Legal, governance challenges persist for Tesla
Having finalized a settlement with the SEC, Tesla now faces new controversies as the Justice Department and disgruntled investors take aim at the company and its mercurial founder.
Pay for outside corporate directors barely increased in 2017
Total pay for outside directors at the nation’s largest corporations increased by a mere 3 percent in 2017, driven by increases in cash and stock compensation, according to a new analysis by Willis Towers Watson.
NOVAGOLD announces election of directors
Novagold Resources, a precious metals company engaged in the development of mineral properties in North America, has announced the election of directors from its Annual General Meeting of Shareholders held on May 4.
Even as regulations vaporize, corporate governance takes hold globally
A new report says the lure of cross-border investors is doing as much to demand corporate best practices as government rule regimes.
Companies grapple with guns
Gun bans and NRA boycotts may just be the start of new risk management strategies and corporate governance reforms. The true test of corporate mettle will come as the media furor dies down.
Broadcom’s takeover of Qualcomm gets complicated
A government agency has forced a delay to a shareholder meeting that would have set the stage for a hostile takeover of the company at the heart of smartphone technology.
SEC keeps options open for mandatory shareholder arbitration
SEC Chairman Jay Clayton has floated the idea of mandatory shareholder arbitration, raising issues about agency enforcement and investor protection.
SEC’s Jackson seeks dual-share compromise with ‘sunset’ provisions
SEC Commissioner Robert Jackson is urging exchanges to prohibit companies with dual-class shareholder structures from listing if that arrangement does not include sunset provisions.
How much disruption can shareholder activists cause?
The rising trend toward shareholder activism has incited boards of directors to seek defensive measures, but do shareholders pose that much of a threat?
The rise of passive investors as a corporate governance force
Investors in index funds are taking a page from their activist counterparts and making demands on companies. The surprise: Those companies are listening.
10 tips for boosting CCO face time with the board
Effective communication with the board is essential for a chief compliance officer. Here are 10 ways to make your time at the table as productive as possible.
Boards and CCOs adapt to the new forces that unify them
What’s the best way for compliance officers to communicate with directors? That question, like the strategies that answer it, are more important than ever before.
Wells Fargo scores a pyrrhic victory amid shareholder revolt
Despite controversy before and during its annual meeting, shareholders reelected all of Wells Fargo’s directors. But trouble still lies ahead for the post-scandal banking giant.
Directors may be best cops on the regulatory beat
While the battle between regulation and deregulation rages on, shareholder protection may be a job best accomplished by boards.
Compliance’s role in thwarting gender inequality rhetoric
Equal Pay Day highlights income inequality between men and women, and perhaps the answer to addressing unequal pay is through best corporate practice.
Slowly but surely, global governance practices are converging
The United States and European Union don’t have a monopoly on corporate governance. A new study looks at how best practices are converging around the globe. Joe Mont reports.
Q&A: The compliance and legal ties that bind
Jaclyn Jaeger talks with Carey Roberts, deputy general counsel and chief compliance officer of Marsh & McLennan Cos., about her unique dual legal and compliance role.
Behind the call for better corporate governance
A call for smarter, simpler corporate governance is a good thing, except when it’s light on the details, say columnists Stephen Davis and Jon Lukomnik.
Q&A: NACD Managing Director Steven Walker on continuous improvement for boards
Joe Mont talks with Steven Walker of the National Association of Corporate Directors about the need for continuous improvement to corporate boards.
Survey: Proxy access continues to gain steam
Joe Mont explores a key finding from Shearman & Sterling’s executive compensation survey—the number of proxy access proposals submitted for the 2016 proxy season rose significantly compared to 2015.