All Brazil articles – Page 3

  • Blog

    Those pesky hot mikes and insider-trading laws


    Inside is a look at the actions of the Batista brothers, leaders of corrupt firm JBS, which highlights a part of any corruption resolution across the globe: If you hold back information from the government, you will be subject to prosecution for those crimes as well.

  • Blog

    For leniency, confess all crimes


    The JBS meat-packing scandal is a perfect example of why companies must provide every single shred of evidence of criminal conduct, or a plea agreement might not be worth much.

  • Blog

    First step to end the Car Wash investigation?


    The will to continue the fight against institutional corruption in Brazil may be waning. From the perspective of The Man From FCPA, it appears that it is the beginning of the end for the seismic change that has come over the country starting with Operation Car Wash.

  • Article

    Brazil’s largest corruption investigation in history hits new heights … and lows


    As Brazilian investigators look into massive corruption between public officials and one of the country’s biggest companies, scandal-weary Brazilians wonder when this will all end.

  • Blog

    FCPA protects the safety and health of Americans


    Some continue to believe that bribery and corruption that occurs outside the United States does not concern the United States, its laws, or is even worth the time of U.S. law enforcement agencies. This myopic view belies both the inter-connectedness of the world’s economy and the facts on the ground.

  • Blog

    When corruption is endemic and structural


    The recent scandals involving JBS, Odebrecht, and Petrobras seem to imply that once Brazilian politicians go on the take, they stay on the take. Time for Brazil to update its anti-corruption regulations.

  • Blog

    JBS reaches $3.2B leniency deal; makes governance changes


    J&F Investimentos, the holding company of meat-packing company JBS, has agreed to pay a record 10.3 billion reais (US$3.2bn; £2.4bn) fine for its role in a widespread corruption scandal, deepening Brazil's anti-corruption enforcement crackdown.

  • Blog

    The case for robust FCPA enforcement


    Two recent corruption scandals emanating from Brazil highlight the direct impact corruption can have on U.S. citizens and serve as telltale examples of why a robust FCPA enforcement regime is in the interest of the United States.

  • Blog

    BRF executives charged in ‘Operation Weak Flesh’ probe


    Brazilian food company BRF confirmed in a statement that two of its executives were among those arrested and charged with taking part in a widespread corruption scandal, dubbed “Operation Weak Flesh.”

  • Blog

    The meat of the latest Brazilian bribery scandal


    Brazil has a new corruption scandal on its hands, this one dubbed “Operation Weak Flesh.”

  • Blog

    Brazil’s new approach to compliance


    Brazil is taking a page out of U.S. businesses’ books and moving from paper compliance programs to actually doing compliance.

  • Blog

    Companies now doing compliance in Brazil


    Corporations in other countries are increasingly moving from a paper-based compliance program to actually doing compliance. The Man From FCPA Tom Fox reports.

  • Blog

    Braskem to pay $957M settlement in Petrobras corruption probe


    Brazil-based petrochemical giant Braskem disclosed yesterday that it will pay a total amount of approximately US$957 million in penalties and damages to resolve a global settlement related to the massive corruption probe surrounding state-owned oil company Petrobras. Jaclyn Jaeger has more.

  • Blog

    Will Brazil’s ‘car wash’ end?


    The Man From FCPA Tom Fox explores recent reports surrounding Brazilian legislative figures trying to obstruct ongoing corruption investigations.

  • Blog

    Tipalti adds accounts payable tax compliance support for Argentina and Brazil suppliers


    Tipalti, a global supplier of payments automation, has extended its accounts payable tax compliance capabilities to help companies collect and validate tax IDs from their suppliers in Argentina and Brazil. Businesses engaging with suppliers and partners in those countries can now ensure tax compliance by recording tax information for those ...

  • Blog

    A second corruption scandal arises in Brazil


    Most of Brazil’s corruption focus over the past couple of years has been around Petrobras and the fallout from Operation Car Wash, but a second corruption scandal (dubbed Operation Zelotes) has arisen in Brazil that could be equally massive—this one relating to tax evasion by not only Brazilian companies, but ...

  • Blog

    Where will Brazil’s new president take Operation Car Wash?


    Will Brazil’s interim president do away with the country’s fight against bribery and corruption? Early results are not promising, according to FCPA blogger Tom Fox, who offers a further look at recent troubles in the scandal-plagued country.

  • Blog

    Batista Insider Trading Case: From ‘Landmark’ to ‘Turmoil’ to ‘Farce’


    The already-bizarre Brazilian insider-trading case against former billionaire Eike Batista “desended into farce” this week when the presiding judge was charged with embezzling more than $360,000 in seized money to buy himself a bulletproof Land Rover and an apartment. Prosecutors also claim that Judge Souza destroyed documents pertaining to the ...

  • Article

    Petrobras Probe Portends Brazil Enforcement Crackdown


    Image: Suddenly anti-corruption enforcement seems to be serious in Brazil—to the point that businesses working there might want to pay more heed to enforcement risks from Brazilian regulators themselves. The catalyst is the sweeping investigation into state-owned oil company Petrobras, riveting Brazil this month. “We can expect much more enforcement ...

  • Blog

    Brazil's Landmark Insider Trading Case Derailed as Seized Cash Now Missing


    When we last checked in on the Brazilian insider trading case against former billionaire Eike Batista, the case was, by all accounts, in "turmoil." As I discussed here, the criminal prosecution against Batista -- a landmark case that may make him the first person ever sent to prison in Brazil ...