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News Brief
Treasury proposal seeks to expand CFIUS enforcement authority
A proposal by the Treasury Department would allow the Committee on Foreign Investment in the United States to seek more information as part of its review activities and enable “substantially” larger penalties in instances of noncompliance with relevant regulations.
CFIUS issues first-ever enforcement and penalty guidelines
The Committee on Foreign Investment in the United States issued its first-ever enforcement and penalty guidelines for entities that violate mitigation agreements with CFIUS or otherwise run afoul of the Defense Production Act of 1950.
Treasury finalizes rules impacting foreign investments in U.S.
The Treasury Department is disseminating two rules implementing the Foreign Investment Risk Review Modernization Act of 2018 to help balance national security with the importance of foreign investments in the U.S. economy.
More foreign investments to be scrutinized under Treasury proposals
The Committee on Foreign Investment in the United States (CFIUS) will have a bigger role in assessing a deal’s impact on national security after two recent proposals by the Treasury Department.
Foreign deal making, exports face increased scrutiny
New legislation clarifies and strengthens ability of government agencies to review, and potentially block, cross-border deals in the name of national security.
Banking Committee advances CFIUS bill, hits Trump on ZTE
The Senate Banking Committee this week advanced the Foreign Investment Risk Review Modernization Act. Among its ammendments: prohibiting the President from changing the penalties on Chinese telecommunication companies that have sanctions levied against them.
Broadcom’s takeover of Qualcomm gets complicated
A government agency has forced a delay to a shareholder meeting that would have set the stage for a hostile takeover of the company at the heart of smartphone technology.