All China articles – Page 3

  • Blog

    Checking Up on GSK in China


    When thinking through an FCPA risk assessment, one thing usually not considered adequately is a company’s sales culture. To see the consequences of that, one need look no further than GSK’s corruption troubles in China—but, CW blogger Tom Fox writes, the reforms GSK has implemented with its sales force are ...

  • Blog

    Chinese Open New Front in Anti-Corruption Investigations


    The Chinese fight against bribery and corruption took an interesting twist earlier this month, when it was announced that the former head of the national oil company, Sinopec, was being investigated for bribery and corruption in the securing of contracts in Angola. If this investigation continues it could open a ...

  • Blog

    New U.S.-China Corruption Cooperation Initiative


    Image: An interesting development reported this week: The United States and China have agreed to cooperate on the seizure of assets obtained through corruption and on the deportations of Chinese nationals from the United States who engaged in bribery and corruption in China and later fled to America for sanctuary. ...

  • Blog

    Behind China’s Regulatory Disarray


    Image: More informed people than me can, and have, painted crisp pictures of the regulatory chaos currently unfolding in China. The latest is an excellent article in the Wall Street Journal today, “China’s Response to Stock Rout Exposes Disarray,” that is well worth your time if you do business there.

  • Article

    Far East: The Epicenter of FCPA Enforcement?


    Image: Everyone says bribery risk is highest along the Pacific Rim, but how acute is the problem really? Pretty bad, according to a Compliance Week review of recent FCPA enforcement actions—and the risks will only increase as more U.S. companies enter Asia and more Asian companies tap U.S. capital markets. ...

  • Article

    How to Respond to a China Antitrust Probe


    Chinese regulators are stepping up enforcement of antitrust laws, resulting in more investigations of U.S. companies. “Foreign companies doing business in China need to know that Chinese antitrust authorities have far-reaching enforcement powers, and that the procedural safeguards are not the same as those which may apply in the United ...

  • Blog

    SEC Ends Standoff With Big 4 China Affiliates


    The SEC has settled its action against Big 4 affiliates in China that had stymied investigations into possible accounting fraud by refusing to hand over audit work papers. The SEC fined each of the Big 4 affiliates $500,000 while acknowledging that the firms eventually began providing documents.