All China articles – Page 2

  • USChina

    Risk mitigation strategies amid U.S.-China trade tensions


    Tensions between the United States and China are forcing many companies to reassess their trade compliance programs in addition to their supply-chain risk mitigation strategies.

  • Blog

    Trump tweet hints at ZTE deal with China


    Posting on Twitter, President Trump suggested that he might back down from a U.S. ban affecting ZTE, a Chinese-owned technology company that was caught selling American-made parts to Iran.

  • Blog

    Clear Channel hints to potential FCPA violations


    Media company Clear Channel Outdoor disclosed that it has advised U.S. authorities about accounting discrepancies caused by the misappropriation of funds at its Chinese subsidiary, in possible violation of the Foreign Corrupt Practices Act.

  • Article

    China’s new anti-graft agency brings key compliance risk


    A powerful new anti-corruption enforcement body in China makes it imperative that firms carefully review existing interactions with public officials in the country.

  • Blog

    Trump's new tariffs could trigger trade war with China


    In response to what the White House views as China’s unfair trade practices, the Office of the U.S. Trade Representative has announced a list of products that could be subject to additional tariffs. China has countered with a list of its own.

  • Bistrong_opinion

    My Compliance Library: 'China's Crony Capitalism'


    In China’s Crony Capitalism, we see a system that is endemically corrupt and nearly impossible to reform. Richard Bistrong explores the 2016 novel by Minxin Pei.

  • Article

    China amends, clarifies law addressing commercial bribery


    For the first time in two decades, Chinese regulators have amended the Anti-Unfair Competition Law, giving companies more clarity on what constitutes commercial bribery.

  • Article

    The China conundrum: balancing risk and reward


    From White House intervention to tough new cyber-security laws, doing business in China is becoming even more difficult for U.S. companies.

  • Blog

    MoneyGram merger is latest casualty of CFIUS, Chinese trade battle


    MoneyGram and Ant Financial Services Group, an affiliate of China-based Alibaba, have mutually agreed to terminate their planned merger due to their rejection by the Committee on Foreign Investment in the United States. The rejection is the latest effort by the Trump Administran to curb corporate dealmaking with Chinee entities.

  • Blog

    PCAOB disciplines PwC, Crowe Horwath affiliate


    The PCAOB has disciplined PwC over a broker-dealer audit lapse and Crowe Horwath HK over an investigation involving a China-based company.

  • ChinaCyberSecurity

    A look at China’s sweeping new cyber-security law


    Beijing has officially put foreign companies operating within China on notice: Improve your data privacy practices and cyber-security controls, or face the consequences.

  • Blog

    China continues to be a source for FCPA violations


    An astounding 16 corporate FCPA enforcement actions in 2016 were derived from China, leading The Man From FCPA Tom Fox to explore how to tackle business relationships with the complex country.

  • Blog

    PCAOB publishes views on conflict with China rules


    To address how U.S. audit rules intersect with those in China, the PCAOB has published a four-page Q&A to explain its views on why firms subject to its rules should observe them. Tammy Whitehouse reports.

  • Blog

    Ethics training and parking spaces


    A parking space is seen as a definite perk for U.S. executives, but perhaps not so in other countries. Tom Fox looks at the recent case of former Daimler President Rainer Gärtner, who—while operating out of the firm’s China-based location—overreacted to improper use of his parking spot.

  • Blog

    Tales of crocodile tails under the FCPA


    While the FCPA makes clear it prohibits providing anything of value to a foreign governmental official, who’s to say what has value? For U.S. officials, it could be jewelery, cash, or sports tickets. But for Chinese executives, it could be something more exotic, say ... crocodile meat? Tom Fox has ...

  • Blog

    Was the GlaxoSmithKline FCPA resolution a missed opportunity?


    Tom Fox questions whether U.S. regulators missed a chance to illustrate how they would give credit for anti-corruption prosecutions done by other governments in the case of GlaxoSmithKline’s China subsidiary’s recent FCPA resolution.

  • Blog

    Harris declinations: A landmark FCPA case?


    The SEC will not take action against Harris Corp. for FCPA violations, but has brought charges against a former Harris executive for bribing Chinese government officials to obtain business. Jaclyn Jaeger explores.

  • Blog

    Compliance fail: Chinese bank employees publicly spanked for poor performance


    A disturbing video of a Chinese bank's effort to improve employee performance -- through public, violent spankings of employees -- was posted yesterday. The video, which will make even the most hardened U.S. compliance officer cringe, shows a line of employees from Changzhi Rural Commercial Bank being subjected to an ...

  • Blog

    SEC approves PCAOB budget; Doty promises new proposals soon


    Image: With majority support from the SEC—all two of them, that is—the PCAOB has finalized its 2016 budget with a 12-percent increase in fees charged to public companies to support it. Only SEC Chair Mary Jo White and Commissioner Kara Stein supported the PCAOB’s $257.7 million budget for the current ...

  • Blog

    PCAOB Sanctions China-Based Firm for Stalling Investigation


    With its negotiations over regulatory access to China stalled, the PCAOB has settled a disciplinary order against Hong Kong audit firm PKF HK and three employees accused of failing to cooperate with an investigation. The board has revoked the registration of the company and censured the firm, contending that PKF ...