All Cyber Attacks articles – Page 2
Netwrix Auditor 9.5 enables firms to improve detection of threat actors
Netwrix Corporation, a provider of a visibility platform for user behavior analysis and risk mitigation in hybrid environments, announced the release of Netwrix Auditor 9.5, providing customers with security intelligence to proactively reduce risk and spot threat actors.
In cyber-security, you are your own worst enemy
Highly publicized breaches at the SEC and Equifax reveal how compliance efforts and reputation protection is often undermined by a lack of common sense.
Deloitte confirms cyber hack exposed client information
Deloitte says information on a small number of clients was accessible to hackers after an intrusion of the firm's email platform.
A dire warning from White House’s cyber-security advisers
The National Infrastructure Advisory Council, a cyber-security task force that advises the White House, says national cyber-security efforts are “falling short," in a new report. It provides recommendations for both the public and private sectors.
Executive Order focuses on cyber-threats, agency responses
President Donald Trump has issued an Executive Order that lays out a variety of cyber-security tasks for government agencies and formalizes how they report back to the Executive Branch.
New York delays and dials back cyber-security rules
New York’s tough new cyber-security rules for financial institutions were supposed to start on January 1. Instead, a toned-down version is in the works. Joe Mont has more.
Citigroup: Law Firms at High Risk of Cyber-Attacks
In a recent internal report, Citigroup's cyberintelligence center warned employees that law firms are targets of attacks by foreign governments and hackers because they house valuable data concerning their clients' transactions and strategies.According to the NY Times, the Citigroup report alerted employees that cybersecurity at law firms remains weak as ...
U.S. Announces New Intelligence Division to Battle Cyber Threats
The U.S. is establishing a new division called the Cyber-Threat Intelligence Integration Center that will produce coordinated cyber-threat assessments, share that information with existing cyber-centers, and support policy makers with timely intelligence about the latest cyber-threats. More inside.
Swiss Bank Feels Force of Cyber Attack in the Social Media Age
In June 2014 I wrote here about how the concept of hackers demanding ransom from companies in exchange for the hackers leaving them alone and moving on to other targets was new to me. Just seven months later, we have the U.S. government accusing foreign countries of hacking massive companies ...
Bank CEOs, Boards Get Another Batch of Cyber-Security Help
Bank CEOs and boards have a fresh batch of cyber-security guidance to evaluate. On Wednesday, The Conference of State Bank Supervisors released “Cybersecurity 101: A Resource Guide for Bank Executives,” a document that collects industry-recognized standards and best practices that are currently used within the financial services industry.
'FIN4' Hackers Target Over 100 Companies Seeking Market-Moving Information
Cyber-security firm FireEye released a report this week on a group of hackers that has targeted e-mail accounts of individuals with access to confidential information at more than 100 companies. The hackers are looking for non-public information about merger and acquisition deals and other major market-moving revelations, particularly in the ...
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