All FIFA articles – Page 2

  • Blog

    A new chapter in anti-corruption enforcement?


    Jorge Luis Arzuaga, a former managing director at the Swiss bank Julius Baer, pled guilty to having arranged the transfers of more than $25 million in bribes for corrupt FIFA officials. This is the first guilty plea in the plethora of service provides who facilitated the massive corruption scandal engaged ...

  • Article

    Forget Comey, what about Borbély and Eckert?


    As FIFA quietly gets rid of the bulk of its ethics committee, it would appear that the agency’s internal reform efforts have come to an end in questionable fashion.

  • Blog

    FIFA fires its own investigators


    When it comes to brassiness, one really cannot do much better than FIFA. After having survived one of the world's greatest scandals, the international governing body of football is replacing the leadership of its ethics committee, in effect dismissing the judge and the prosecutor whose investigations resulted in the suspensions ...

  • Blog

    FIFA audit official pleads guilty to corruption charges, gets suspended


    A member of FIFA’s audit and compliance committee pleaded guilty yesterday to charges of wire fraud conspiracy for his participation in multiple schemes to accept and pay bribes to soccer officials and received a 90-day suspension by FIFA from all football activities at both the national and international level.

  • Blog

    Argentine sports media company to pay $112M in FIFA probe


    Torneos y Competencias, an Argentine sports marketing company, agreed to pay over $112.8 million in forfeiture and criminal penalties to resolve U.S. charges relating to wire fraud conspiracy in connection with the FIFA corruption scandal. Jaclyn Jaeger reports.

  • Article

    Dutch trade union brings legal action against FIFA


    The Fédération Internationale de Football Association (FIFA) is the subject of another legal action for failing to ensure that the rights of migrant workers are respected as they work on projects connected to the 2022 World Cup in Qatar. Neil Hodge reports.

  • Article

    The rewards for corruption in British football


    U.K. footie can’t claim to be “the beautiful game” when it’s being stained by corruption. Paul Hodgson reports.

  • Blog

    FIFA appoints chief compliance officer


    The Fédération Internationale de Football Association (FIFA), the international governing body of professional soccer, today announced that Edward Hanover, an experienced international compliance executive, has been appointed as the organisation’s chief compliance officer. He will begin work on 1 Oct. 2016. Jaclyn Jaeger has more.

  • Blog

    FIFA opens formal proceeding against Sepp Blatter


    The ethics committee of the Fédération Internationale de Football Association, the international governing body of professional soccer, has opened formal proceedings against Sepp Blatter, the disgraced former head of FIFA, for engaging in bribery and corruption. Jaclyn Jaeger reports.

  • Blog

    At FIFA, things are only getting worse


    The FIFA corruption scandal continues to rock the world of international soccer with new allegations of wrongdoings by former president Sepp Blatter (above) and his cronies. FCPA blogger Tom Fox explores the conflicts of interest that arise when those in charge set, negotiate, and approve their own salaries.

  • Blog

    FIFA audit and compliance committee chair resigns


    The aftermath of the FIFA corruption scandal continues on, with the resignation last week of Domenico Scala, chair of FIFA’s audit and compliance committee. Scala resigned in protest over a governance change made at the international governing body of professional soccer.

  • Blog

    Is FIFA headed in the right direction?


    Do FIFA's latest governance moves an indicator of a genuine effort to reform this embattled organization? Or is it just shuffling the deck chairs? The Man From FCPA Tom Fox reports.

  • Blog

    The other cleat drops in the FIFA corruption probe


    Image: The FIFA corruption probe has shifted to U.S. corporations that did business with FIFA, regional soccer federations, and national soccer organizations, prompting some companies, including Nike, DirectTV, and Standard Chartered, to start their own internal investigations. The message is quite clear for those U.S. companies with affiliations to soccer ...

  • Blog

    German World Cup bid now under FIFA scrutiny


    The ongoing FIFA corruption scandal takes on new life as some of the top names in German soccer, as well as sports apparel manufacturer Adidas, appear to be implicated in the 2006 World Cup bid. CW’s Tom Fox reports on this latest ethics investigation.

  • Blog

    Is FIFA entitled to restitution as a victim?


    Image: It appears the Fédération Internationale de Football Association is trying to shed its corrupt image in favor of playing the victim. The international governing body of football has asked the Justice Department for its share of monies it obtains through forfeiture and penalties from individuals prosecuted around the FIFA ...

  • PenaltyKick

    Citi receives subpoena in FIFA probe


    A Citigroup securities filing says the company is under investigation in connection with the bribery, corruption, and money laundering scandal that toppled leadership of the Fédération Internationale de Football Association, the international governing body of professional soccer. As Compliance Week previously reported, financial institutions can expect to be in the ...

  • Blog

    Reform Starts at the Top for FIFA


    Image: You might think in today’s corporate world “tone at the top” would be so well worn that you need not repeat it. Yet, tone at the top apparently did warrant repeating for former FIFA head Sepp Blatter. Earlier this week, Blatter announced he would fight the eight-year suspension placed ...

  • Blog

    Should the FCPA Apply to International Sports Agencies?


    Image: What’s happening with the intersection of sports and corruption? It seems as if several pillars of the international sporting world have come crashing down in the past few months through corruption scandals. Yet the FCPA usually does not apply in these corruption cases. Why? Tom Fox, our man from ...

  • Blog

    FIFA as ‘Victim’: Your Response Matters When U.S. Government Pays Visit


    Image: One lesson from the FIFA corruption scandal is that when the U.S. government comes knocking, it requires a serious and thoughtful response. So far, now-suspended FIFA president Sepp Blatter (left) has responded in a way decidedly not serious and thoughtful. Our anti-corruption blogger Tom Fox takes a closer look ...

  • Blog

    On Advertising and the FCPA


    Image: When can advertising violate the FCPA? That might not be a question often on the minds of compliance officers. The ongoing FIFA corruption scandal, however, demonstrates that any expenditure going out of a corporation may well need to be considered from an anti-bribery angle. Tom Fox, our Man From ...