All Task Force on Climate-Related Financial Disclosures articles
Experts: Legal noise around SEC climate disclosure rule no excuse for standing still
Legal experts are advising their public company clients to move forward with plans to comply with the SEC’s climate-related disclosure rule, despite lawsuits and other challenges being brought against the controversial policy in the aftermath of its approval.
ESG Summit: How Rite Aid is preparing to comply with SEC’s climate disclosure rule
Amanda Patrick, Rite Aid’s director of ESG/corporate sustainability, shared the retail pharmacy chain’s sustainability journey so far and how it is readying to meet the SEC’s potential disclosure mandates during her keynote address at CW’s virtual ESG Summit.
SEC to discuss climate-related disclosure rule on March 21
The Securities and Exchange Commission will discuss its anticipated new rule ordering public companies to issue climate-related disclosures at its open meeting March 21.
ESG reporting: A summary of preparers’ perspectives
Preparers speaking at a pair of recent high-profile accounting and auditing conferences discuss current practices and the challenges their controllership teams face in ESG reporting and governance.
Leaders at BlackRock, SSGA set tone for ESG-focused 2022
The chief executives of BlackRock and State Street Global Advisors earlier this month published their annual letters highlighting topics of importance for the coming year, with climate action and social issues clearly remaining top of mind for both.
Bumps in road expected as U.K. strives to be climate risk leader
The United Kingdom has paved the way for companies to report on the future financial impact of climate risks, but the process is far from easy and rates of noncompliance—at least initially—could be high.
TCFD recommendations more than building block for SEC climate disclosure rules?
SEC Chair Gary Gensler has hinted the agency’s highly anticipated climate-related disclosure rules will likely be pegged to an international framework, specifically mentioning the Task Force on Climate-Related Financial Disclosures. How can the TCFD help companies prepare for what’s ahead?
SEC fall rulemaking list draws Republican commissioner criticism over priorities
The SEC’s updated fall rulemaking list suggests the agency will push forward with an aggressive agenda in 2022 that will include mandated ESG disclosures and further attempts to walk back rule changes implemented under Republican control.
FRC 2022 reviews to focus on climate risks, fraud
The U.K. Financial Reporting Council will prioritize climate-related financial disclosures in company accounts and climate risks in audits as key areas of supervisory focus for 2022/23.
FRC reporting review: COVID-19 disclosures lacking, new climate-related mandates
In its annual review of corporate reporting, the U.K. Financial Reporting Council found companies are struggling to provide stakeholders with enough detail about COVID-19 disruptions. The regulator also announced new requirements for climate-related disclosures.
U.K. eyes history with climate change disclosure plan package
Financial services firms in the United Kingdom must soon begin reporting what material financial impact they experience from climate change under a new disclosure mandate that is the first of its kind in the world.
Climate-related risk disclosures reach global boiling point
From local governments around the world to U.S. regulators to activist investors, the debate over corporate climate-related risk disclosures is approaching a boiling point.