All George Floyd articles
Real talk: How Best Buy manages challenges of DEI goals
Two years into its diversity, equity, and inclusion action plan, Best Buy leaders attended Compliance Week’s National Conference to discuss—in a refreshingly blunt manner—the retailer’s learnings.
Study: Racial diversity still lacking among Russell 3000 board members
A new board diversity report by BoardProspects reveals companies in the Russell 3000 are at a major inflection point regarding racial equality on their boards, but most (60 percent) still have no Black board members.
ISS 2021 proxy voting updates address racial, ethnic, gender diversity
Proxy advisory firm Institutional Shareholder Services released updates to its 2021 benchmark proxy voting policy, with the biggest changes this year addressing racial, ethnic, and gender diversity on boards.
Compliance has a role in eliminating corporate bullies
Anti-bullying should be at the top of your compliance agenda and should be supported by increased gender balance, writes financial crime expert Martin Woods.
Law enforcement reform should take a cue from compliance
Just as companies must answer to their stakeholders, our public leaders and institutions need to be held more accountable to their constituents.