Richard Bistrong
Richard Bistrong is the CEO of Front-Line Anti-Bribery and a contributing editor of the FCPA Blog. He was a former International Sales VP, FCPA violater, and FBI/U.K. cooperator, having served 14 months in federal prison for violating the FCPA, returning home in December 2013. He now consults, writes, and speaks about FCPA, corruption, and compliance issues from his front-line perspective.
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My Compliance Library: ‘The Behavioral Code’ explores tension between code and conduct
Benjamin van Rooij and Adam Fine’s book is an exposition on shaping laws and codes to “human and organizational behavior” that lends to the discussion on how behavioral science can inform ethics and compliance programs.
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My Compliance Library: ‘The Long Game’ offers timely look at long-term career planning
Dorie Clark’s best-selling book “The Long Game” challenges us to ponder what it would look like to “discover our own definition of success” at a time when more professionals than ever are quitting their jobs in search of positive change.
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My Compliance Library: ‘What on Earth Can Go Wrong’ explores managing risk through global lens
In “What on Earth Can Go Wrong,” Richard Fenning shares what he learned over the course of nearly three decades exploring the world through the eyes of a risk management expert.
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My Compliance Library: ‘To Be Honest’ a roadmap to address organizational disunity
Ron Carucci’s book “To Be Honest” enables everyone in an organization to build “honesty as a muscle” and to operationalize aspirational goals and principles into an individual and group ethical capacity.
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My Compliance Library: ‘Can You Hear Me?’ a guide for virtual connections
You might not have thought you needed it, but Nick Morgan’s “Can You Hear Me?” provides some valuable advice for getting the most out of your daily virtual meetings and conversations.
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My Compliance Library: ‘Gloom to Boom’ a guide for turning risk into opportunity
CW contributor Richard Bistrong shares his thoughts on Dr. Andrea Bonime-Blanc’s book within the context of the DOJ’s most recent compliance guidance and the turbulent times in which we are currently living.
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My Compliance Library: ‘Crude Intentions’ gets at the why of compliance
A reading of “Crude Intentions” can go a long way toward educating those who work in high-risk regions as to the ramification of their misguided decisions.
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My Compliance Library: ‘Crisis of Conscience’ explores whistleblower culture
The latest installment of My Compliance Library examines “Crisis of Conscience,” a wide-ranging look at whistleblowers and the toxic cultures that lead to their critical role in enacting change.
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My Compliance Library: ‘The Culture Map’ reminds CCOs context is everything
In his latest book review, Richard Bistrong explores Erin Meyer’s look at how global messages and programs need to be developed and understood on a country-by-country basis, as well as asking several compliance professionals their thoughts.
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My Compliance Library: Embedding nature and care into CCO job
In his latest book review, Richard Bistrong explores Paul J. Zak’s theory on how building relationships with colleagues and keeping communications honest and vulnerable is key to establishing a high-performing company.
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My Compliance Library: How to create a ‘Fearless Organization’
Richard Bistrong explains how Amy C. Edmondson’s book on organizational health relies on the idea that employees are not governed by fear, but rather empowered by a safe environment that embraces honesty and candor.
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My Compliance Library: Compliance lessons of fusing brand and culture
Richard Bistrong takes an in-depth look at Denise Lee Yohn’s, “Fusion, How Integrating Brand and Culture Powers the World’s Greatest Companies,” which offers organizations a model for merging internal values with external branding and guides the compliance function in linking stated values to operations.
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My Compliance Library: 'China's Crony Capitalism'
In China’s Crony Capitalism, we see a system that is endemically corrupt and nearly impossible to reform. Richard Bistrong explores the 2016 novel by Minxin Pei.
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My Compliance Library: Latest books show the way to better ethical decision making
Workplace pressures can challenge even the most ethically stalwart, so how can we better frame tough ethical dilemmas and better see when we’re compromising our own values?
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My Compliance Library: Is it time for an incentive mine sweep?
Richard Bistrong and Marc Hodak discuss pay-for-performance and its role in corporate ethics and compliance policies.