All board diversity articles
News Brief
U.S. Appeals Court overturns Nasdaq board diversity rule
A U.S. Appeals Court overturned a Securities and Exchange Commission rule that had required companies listed on the Nasdaq stock exchange to disclose whether their boards had women or minority members–and if not, why not.
California judge strikes down state’s board diversity law
A California state superior court judge struck down a diversity mandate that ordered public companies in the state to have at least one minority board member by the end of 2021.
With SEC rulemaking imminent, ESG disclosure prep takes center stage
A deluge of SEC rulemaking on ESG matters could begin as early as next month, prompting Davis Polk’s Betty Moy Huber to kick off CW’s “Everything ESG” virtual event with an overarching message on the importance of preparation.
SEC approval of Nasdaq board diversity proposal adds to nationwide momentum
The SEC approved rule changes proposed by Nasdaq that will put in place a new board diversity mandate and further require companies listed on Nasdaq’s U.S. exchange to make public disclosures regarding the composition of their boards.
Study: Racial diversity still lacking among Russell 3000 board members
A new board diversity report by BoardProspects reveals companies in the Russell 3000 are at a major inflection point regarding racial equality on their boards, but most (60 percent) still have no Black board members.
Video: Praise for Nasdaq diversity push; Vodafone’s GDPR woes prove costly
In our inaugural video edition of Nailed It or Failed It, Dave Lefort praises Nasdaq’s efforts to get the SEC to require board diversity disclosures, while Kyle Brasseur critiques Vodafone’s numerous run-ins with the GDPR.
Nasdaq to SEC: Adopt listing rules requiring board diversity disclosures
Nasdaq has filed a proposal with the Securities and Exchange Commission to adopt new listing rules that would impose board diversity disclosure requirements.
ISS 2021 proxy voting updates address racial, ethnic, gender diversity
Proxy advisory firm Institutional Shareholder Services released updates to its 2021 benchmark proxy voting policy, with the biggest changes this year addressing racial, ethnic, and gender diversity on boards.
Emerging state board diversity laws encourage proactive approach
As more states enact statutes that directly address diversity in the boardroom, corporate boards that have not already done so would be wise to begin strategizing their diversity efforts now.
Understanding Canada’s new diversity disclosure requirements
Starting next year, Canadian companies will be required to disclose much more about their diversity efforts, including many who will have to do so for the very first time.
SEC, Congress seek better diversity disclosures
The SEC has issued new guidance regarding diversity disclosures. Meanwhile, newly proposed legislation would require public companies to annually disclose the gender, race, and veteran status of their board directors, nominees, and senior executive officers.
REIT industry shows lackluster board diversity
Compared to the S&P 500 or the FTSE 100, the REIT industry has a long way to go when it comes to promoting board diversity, writes Paul Hodgson.
U.K. governance hearings: it’s all peachy except when it’s not
The Financial Reporting Council has a number of recommendations for improving corporate governance, but not all executives and directors may be happy with them. Paul Hodgson reports.