All CSR articles
Experts: ESG gone mainstream, but new regs still create headaches
Environmental, social, and governance goals have gained acceptance from senior leadership because of upward pressure from employees, investors, and customers, according to compliance leaders speaking at Compliance Week’s 2024 National Conference.
FedEx’s social mission: Diversity drives better business
FedEx’s DEI strides—including becoming a minority-majority employee company in the U.S. for the first time in its history in fiscal year 2018—are not by accident. The company’s long history of hiring a diverse workforce and promoting from within is among the keys to its success.
Growth vs. green: FedEx’s environmental balancing act
When FedEx published its first Global Citizenship Report in 2008, its greenhouse gas emissions were already top of mind. Yet, the company has struggled to strike a balance between achieving year-over-year decreases in total emissions while it has expanded in the last decade-plus.
‘A marathon, not a sprint’: FedEx carbon-neutral pledge tests longtime ESG efforts
In March 2021, FedEx announced an audacious goal: to achieve carbon-neutral operations globally by 2040. How did the company develop this pledge, and how will it track its progress and hold itself accountable to intermediate goals?
Desire for transparency launches FedEx on ESG journey
Since 2008, FedEx has produced detailed reports on its ESG initiatives. The company’s chief sustainability officer discusses the decision-making process behind the first report, determining materiality, and more in Part 1 of this four-part special report, published in partnership with the ICA.
Coronavirus: The EPA’s greatest excuse, companies’ greatest test of ethics
As the Environmental Protection Agency abdicates its oversight responsibilities, pointing to the coronavirus pandemic, now is the time for true leaders to lead.
New benchmark report takes global look at CSR performance
A new benchmark report published by sustainability ratings provider EcoVadis provides a comprehensive analysis of the corporate social responsibility performance of more than 30,000 companies around the world.
Kudos to Business Roundtable for advancing ‘purpose of a corporation’
While some mock the true intent of the Business Roundtable’s newly revised “Statement on the Purpose of a Corporation,” others are lauding the fact that it brings social responsibility into the limelight.
Rescue compliance: When corporations save the animals
Corporations across the U.S. were on hand during this past hurricane season to help those animals impacted by the storms. More inside on where help was given and where help is still needed.
Samsung enhances transparency over financial donations
Amid an investigation over bribery claims involving some of its top executives, Samsung Electronics recently announced a series of measures it intends to take to bring greater transparency and accountability in managing financial donations and monetary support for corporate social responsibility-related activities and funds.
Closing the gap between risk management and sustainability
For companies complying with internal board initiatives to create a more sustainable business, integrating risk management is key, writes Jaclyn Jaeger.
French compliance with governance code
Paul Hodgson provides a look at the Autorité des marchés financiers’ annual report on corporate governance and executive remuneration, which offers an in-depth analysis of compliance with the French governance code, AFEP-MEDEF.
The smart money is on corporate social responsibility
Corporate social responsibility isn’t just a feel-good exercise. It pays off huge dividends in the problems it prevents, writes Jaclyn Jaeger.
Defining Materiality and Sustainability
“Materiality” has long been defined as that financial information which might harm or benefit a shareholder. In modern corporate governance, however, that’s changing. One new proposal seeks to define material information in terms of sustainability for multiple stakeholders, not just shareholders. That has sparked debates over fiduciary duty, corporate personhood, ...
Is CSR Part of the Compliance Operation?
Corporate social responsibility is now big business in Europe. How the compliance function intersects with CSR, however—and what role the compliance officer should play in CSR oversight—is still unclear. In the final part of our series on CSR, we look at how several European companies are trying to embed CSR ...
As SEC Delays on Extractive Payments, World Moves Ahead
The SEC has fought all sides on its proposed rule to disclose payments to governments for mining rights: oil and gas companies on one hand saying the rule is flawed; activists on the other saying the rule is overdue. The trouble, however, is that while the SEC tussles in court, ...
The Compliance Officer’s Role in Driving CSR Efforts
As corporate social responsibility becomes a business norm across Europe, two questions for compliance officers are what role they should play, and how they can leverage a vibrant CSR effort to enhance corporate culture and values. In part two of our look at CSR programs, this week we explore how ...
EU Companies Face CSR Reporting Mandate in 2016
Image: This week Compliance Week starts a series on corporate sustainability, asking the most basic question of all: Will sustainability reporting ever be required? Yes, at least in the European Union. Inside we look at the state of CSR in Europe, and what role compliance officers are likely to play. ...