All articles by Matt Kelly – Page 2

  • Blog

    What’s Behind the Endemic Nature of Bribery: Poverty


    Image: For all a company’s efforts to preach anti-corruption compliance worldwide, one ugly fact endures: Too many people in too many countries still need to pay bribes simply to survive. Ethics training has virtually nothing to do with the problem, editor Matt Kelly writes. The real challenge is how we ...

  • Blog

    Preparing for the Economic Risks That Come Next


    Image: As Wall Street teeters and totters decidedly downward, and the prospect of recession seems much closer now than it did a week ago, compliance and audit executives everywhere should pause to think: What caused today’s disruptions? How is tomorrow’s economic climate likely to affect you? Inside, editor Matt Kelly ...

  • Blog

    More Compliance Shop Talk Coming Soon


    Compliance and audit executives looking to kick back with your peers and debate the finer points of enterprise risk management, rest easy—Compliance Week is holding another of our executive roundtables soon, this time in Orlando on Sept. 15, on that very point. If you would like to attend, e-mail Editor ...

  • Blog

    Amazon, Data, and Selling Your Culture Down the River


    Image: Compliance officers like to talk about data, and about culture. This weekend, however, the New York Times published a brutal, brilliant portrait of corporate culture at and how awful today’s modern management of behavior can get. Inside, editor Matt Kelly dissects the unspoken and obvious: that data-driven management ...

  • Blog

    SCCE Announces 2015 Award Winners


    The Society of Corporate Compliance and Ethics has announced the winners of its annual achievement awards, to be honored in October at its annual conference. Winners range from FCPA bloggers to building products companies. More inside.

  • Blog

    Aguilar Sounds Off on CCO Liability Again


    Image: More shots fired this week in the continuing war of words at the SEC about whether the agency is unfairly taking enforcement action against chief compliance officers. This time, Commissioner Luis Aguilar defended the agency with a statement calling for the SEC to be more clear in its enforcement ...

  • Blog

    Flying Into Uncontrollable Regulatory Trouble


    Image: At a theoretical level, effective compliance programs are fairly straightforward: Risky activity is found; control is implemented; regulatory compliance is achieved. In practice … well, compliance officers may have tougher times ahead. This week, Editor Matt Kelly takes the example of the humble unmanned drone and looks at a ...

  • Blog

    Piwowar Jabs Again at Pay Ratio Rule


    Image: SEC Commissioner Michael Piwowar has taken the rare step of publishing a second statement opposing the newly adopted pay ratio disclosure rule (not to be confused with his first statement of outrage last week). The length and tone of the statement add fuel to the theory that his criticisms ...

  • Blog

    New OCC Task Force on Banking Innovation


    Image: The Office of the Comptroller of the Currency is pulling together a team to consider the regulatory implications of advances in banking technology. “We’re still early in the process, so I can’t tell you exactly where we’ll end up,” OCC director Tom Curry said. He did float the idea ...

  • Blog

    SEC Confirms Expansive View on Whistleblower Protections


    The SEC has published fresh guidance on who qualifies for whistleblower protections under the Dodd-Frank Act, essentially confirming the view that a person is not required to report misconduct to the SEC’s Office of the Whistleblower to qualify for the expanded anti-retaliation protections under the law. Compliance officers should welcome ...

  • Blog

    Behind China’s Regulatory Disarray


    Image: More informed people than me can, and have, painted crisp pictures of the regulatory chaos currently unfolding in China. The latest is an excellent article in the Wall Street Journal today, “China’s Response to Stock Rout Exposes Disarray,” that is well worth your time if you do business there.

  • Blog

    Why Obsess Over CEO Pay? Well, Why Wouldn’t We?


    Image: While we all await the SEC’s final CEO pay ratio disclosure rule this week, let’s remember the ethical subtext beneath all this: CEO pay is still too large for most people’s liking, and income inequality is too. Until companies learn how to solve those challenges internally as a governance ...

  • Blog

    De-Apptivating Our Way Into the Future


    An update for anyone who might still be using the Compliance Week app, first unveiled to the world in late 2013: we have decommissioned our app, in favor of our responsive-design website.If you want to read Compliance Week through your tablet, smart-phone, or any other mobile device, just save our ...

  • Blog

    IASB Proposes Updates on Revenue Standard


    The International Accounting Standards Board has floated a few ideas to help clarify the new revenue recognition standard, and is asking for public comment on the proposals. All three clarifications address performance obligations under the new standard and seek to clarify questions such as who is a principal or agent, ...

  • Blog

    How Hard Is Audit Committee Reform? Here’s One Example


    Image: The SEC has asked for public comment on possible changes to the disclosures audit committees are required to make, and let’s be honest: for a subject this thorny, the SEC needs all the help it can get. Compliance Week editor Matt Kelly explores one example of reform—communication between audit ...

  • Blog

    Mid-Year Look at Corporate Compliance in 2015


    Image: Six months ago Compliance Week Editor Matt Kelly picked six events to watch in corporate compliance for 2015: political risk, Republican activism, confusion over revenue recognition, and more. With the year half over—and in the interests of holding people accountable, including Compliance Week editors—now seems a good time to ...

  • Blog

    Get Ready For the Biggest Stress-Test of Them All


    Image: Greece in default, China teetering on recession, stock markets shuddering worldwide and interest rates poised for their first increase in years—suddenly, all those exercises in risk management that banks have done in the Dodd-Frank era face their ultimate test. The only problem, writes Compliance Week editor Matt Kelly: Dodd-Frank ...

  • Blog

    Uber Decision Underlines Tough Questions Coming on Corporate Culture


    Image: Last week the California Labor Commission ruled that an Uber driver is indeed an employee of Uber, not an independent contractor as Uber had argued. Compliance officers should take note, editor Matt Kelly says, because the case raises questions about the importance of corporate culture and the future of ...

  • Blog

    Gallagher Uncorks on SEC Action Against CCOs


    Image: SEC Commissioner Dan Gallagher, often a contrarian voice at the agency, spoke up again last week to denounce recent enforcement actions against compliance officers at investment advisory firms. Gallagher panned the SEC rule that dictates how investment advisers establish compliance procedures, and he railed that “the Commission seems to ...

  • Blog

    Help! Advisory Board Wanted for CW 2016 Conference


    Image: It is that time of year again, Compliance Week enthusiasts: fresh off our hugely successful 2015 annual conference, we now are starting to plan our 2016 event happening next year. As always, we need your help. We are looking to recruit a small group of compliance professionals to serve ...