All ESG/Social Responsibility articles – Page 11
Q1 roundup: SEC tackles climate disclosures, businesses navigate Russia restrictions, more
Regulation and guidance from U.S. agencies and the White House, plus compliance challenges stemming from a two-year global pandemic and Russia’s ongoing invasion of Ukraine, made the first quarter of 2022 a novel risk environment for regulated businesses.
Five insights gleaned from PCAOB audit committee chair report
The Public Company Accounting Oversight Board published its annual report highlighting feedback received from its discussions with audit committee chairs at U.S. public companies during the previous year.
How to prepare for SEC’s climate-related disclosure rule
The Securities and Exchange Commission’s proposed climate-related disclosure rule would force companies that have been reluctant to initiate a self-examination of their environmental impact to do so, posthaste. Experts weigh in on where to start.
‘Anti-Racist Leadership’ demystifies DEI for intentional leaders
Many business leaders wish to be better stewards of diversity, equity, and inclusion at their organizations. James and Krista White’s “Anti-Racist Leadership” debuts a rare playbook for instigating cultural transformation and making DEI an engine of business performance.
SEC releases highly anticipated climate-related disclosure rule
After months of anticipation, the Securities and Exchange Commission issued its proposed climate-related disclosure rule, a sweeping potential mandate that would force all public companies to quantify, measure, and disclose their effect on the environment.
Where are we heading with ESG?
Climate change is no longer a niche interest. If the trend continues, long-term views and ambitions will overtake short-term, “at any cost” profitability because appetites will change. Where must companies focus?
SEC Commissioner Allison Herren Lee to not seek second term
Allison Herren Lee announced she will not seek a second term as a commissioner at the Securities and Exchange Commission once her current term expires in June.
Deutsche Bank monitorship extended after breach of DPA
Deutsche Bank disclosed the Department of Justice determined it breached its obligations under a 2021 deferred prosecution agreement. As a result, the term of an independent compliance monitor at the bank has been extended until February 2023.
SEC to discuss climate-related disclosure rule on March 21
The Securities and Exchange Commission will discuss its anticipated new rule ordering public companies to issue climate-related disclosures at its open meeting March 21.
Top 10 reasons to attend Compliance Week 2022
A keynote with two SEC commissioners; interactive sessions on global sanctions, ESG, and ethical leadership; and a new conference location and format highlight Dave Lefort’s list of reasons to be excited for CW’s first in-person event in nearly three years.
Audit committees rolling with punches of evolving role
Two prominent audit committee chairs speak to the results of a Deloitte Center for Board Effectiveness and Center for Audit Quality report on audit committee practices and the major issues audit committees face today.
Report: Companies overhyping net zero commitments
A study of leading global companies including Amazon, Google, Walmart, and Volkswagen has found many firms are exaggerating or misreporting the progress they are making to meet their own environmental targets.
ESG reporting: A summary of investor needs and wants
An investor-focused panel at a recent event shared views on investors’ perspectives about current and future use of ESG metrics and disclosures and where common ground can be found between the providers and users of the information.
Making the transition to net zero in the United Kingdom
As the United Kingdom aims to become “the world’s first net zero-aligned financial center,” financial institutions are being required to have “a robust firm-level transition plan setting out how they will decarbonize.” Where should they start?
Q&A: IAASB head on audit's role in combating fraud, ESG, new technologies, more
IAASB Chair Tom Seidenstein discusses with Compliance Week the organization’s current and future efforts to improve audit quality, the biggest challenges to audit confidence today, and what emerging issues might be around the corner.
ESG reporting: A summary of preparers’ perspectives
Preparers speaking at a pair of recent high-profile accounting and auditing conferences discuss current practices and the challenges their controllership teams face in ESG reporting and governance.
Leaders at BlackRock, SSGA set tone for ESG-focused 2022
The chief executives of BlackRock and State Street Global Advisors earlier this month published their annual letters highlighting topics of importance for the coming year, with climate action and social issues clearly remaining top of mind for both.
NAVEX: Top 10 risk and compliance trends for 2022
Diversity, equity, and inclusion; prioritizing ESG; business continuity; and more highlight the latest edition of NAVEX’s annual list of risk and compliance trends worth monitoring.
Bumps in road expected as U.K. strives to be climate risk leader
The United Kingdom has paved the way for companies to report on the future financial impact of climate risks, but the process is far from easy and rates of noncompliance—at least initially—could be high.
CFTC hires first chief diversity officer
The Commodity Futures Trading Commission announced the appointment of Tanisha Cole Edmonds as the agency’s first chief diversity officer.