All ESG/Social Responsibility articles – Page 7
News Brief
SEC exam report highlights Marketing Rule, Reg BI, private fund advisers
The Securities and Exchange Commission’s 2023 examination priorities report laid out areas under the microscope this year, including compliance with the agency’s Marketing Rule and Regulation Best Interest.
News Brief
Report: SEC mulls tweaks to ease climate-related disclosure rule obligations
The Securities and Exchange Commission is reportedly considering pulling back on key elements of its proposed climate-related disclosure rule following pushback from investors, companies, and the public.
News Brief
JBS accused of greenwashing in SEC whistleblower complaint
Brazilian meat processing company JBS faces accusations of issuing $3.2 billion worth of “misleading and fraudulent” sustainability bonds in a whistleblower complaint filed with the Securities and Exchange Commission.
Report: Audit committees bracing for increased role in ESG, ERM, cyber
A new report from the Center for Audit Quality and Deloitte found corporate boards are taking a fresh look at their audit committee structures and practices to respond to emerging corporate reporting areas and increased risks.
Good faith not good enough in navigating global supply chain laws
Differences in the level of duty of vigilance among supply chain legislation in countries including the United States, United Kingdom, and Germany mean best efforts to root out and stop slave labor and other worker exploitation are not enough, according to experts.
Climate and sustainability reporting challenges: Auditors’ perspectives
Partners from several of the top global accounting firms shared perspectives about the state of sustainability reporting and the impact on auditors and their clients at a recent industry event.
Ten things I’d like to see happen in 2023 (2022 in review)
Expect big developments for the compliance profession in 2022 to continue to take center stage in the year ahead, including CCO certifications, climate-related disclosures, and more.
ESG in 2023: CSRD to put new pressures on EU businesses
Corporate reporting on everything from climate change to workers’ rights is set for a shake-up in the European Union, and companies should use 2023 to prepare for new regulations and stakeholder expectations.
Joining the dots between ESG and corruption
A report from Transparency International UK sets out the case for why business integrity and corruption should be considered as core issues in the context of impact environmental, social, and governance investing.
Does ESG offer opportunity? Or is it just another area for compliance friction?
Compliance practitioners share their experiences navigating responsibilities related to environmental, social, and governance without stepping on the toes of other colleagues.
Data gathering, management buy-in among SEC climate rule pain points
Respondents to our “Inside the Mind of the CCO” survey that have begun complying with the Securities and Exchange Commission’s climate-related disclosure rule share the biggest hurdles they’ve faced.
ESG oversight highlighted in annual audit committee transparency report
Public companies continue to increase the overall level of audit committee disclosures in proxy statements, though there is room to improve quality by providing more tailored disclosures and transparency, according to the latest annual report.
Challenges for SPACs: Public company, now what?
Special purpose acquisition company transactions have unique risks and require awareness of what it takes to operate as a public business. Internal controls, governance, technology, and more are essential.
Loaded SEC agenda to carry into 2023
The Securities and Exchange Commission is expected to see through its controversial policy proposals from 2022, though the newly Republican-led House could slow the agency’s momentum.
TPRM Summit: Experts discuss FCPA lessons learned from ABB settlement
A panel on regulatory trends at CW’s virtual TPRM and Oversight Summit discussed lessons for compliance departments seeking to learn how to guard themselves against bad actors within their own firms contained in ABB’s recent $327 million bribery settlement.
U.S. law to stop Uyghur forced labor remains compliance challenge
It’s been six months since the Uyghur Forced Labor Prevention Act took effect, and businesses are no clearer today on how to comply with it, those familiar with the law said.
Five compliance triumphs from 2022
Positive contributions in the areas of ESG, AI responsibility, and setting standards regarding CCO liability highlight the latest installment of CW’s annual list of laudable ethics and compliance moments.
Goldman Sachs unit fined $4M for ESG investment lapses
Goldman Sachs Asset Management agreed to pay $4 million to settle SEC charges it failed to follow its own policies and procedures regarding a trio of investment products marketed for their environmental, social, and governance considerations.
Understanding ‘green hushing’ and its risks
“Green hushing” is when a company adopts a radio-silence approach to environmental goals. Many companies do it. Some don’t realize they’re doing it.
CW Europe panelists: ESG reporting still in ‘immature’ phase
Companies are continuing to fail in their efforts to improve environmental, social, and governance reporting, while compliance functions are finding it tough to keep up with demands for better assurance in the area, according to experts.