All Internal Controls articles – Page 21
Best practices for M&A cyber-security due diligence in a virtual world
The slowdown in mergers and acquisitions in the early stages of the coronavirus pandemic in March is waning, and M&A activity is approaching pre-pandemic levels again, with cyber-security risk now the top concern.
How Danske is cleaning up after a €200B money laundering scandal
It is not clear what action Danske Bank will take on the back of its investigation into Europe’s biggest-ever money laundering scandal, but it is a safe bet to think further improving compliance will be on the list.
Citigroup fined $400M for compliance, risk management failures
Federal banking regulators fined Citigroup $400 million for failing to address “significant” risk and compliance failures.
EY allegedly flubbed Wirecard dealings worse than we thought
In this week’s “Nailed It or Failed It,” we take down EY and JPMorgan Chase for apparently ignoring whistleblowers and give the SEC a nod for rewarding them.
HP fined $6M for disclosure violations and control failures
HP has agreed to pay $6 million in a settlement with the Securities and Exchange Commission to resolve allegations of disclosure violations and control failures regarding improper sales practices.
What compliance can do to advance diversity and inclusion efforts
Experts offer best practices on how to ensure your D&I policies, training, and resources are sufficient at this social and cultural inflection point.
Citibank affiliates fined $4.5M for deleting subpoenaed audio files
Three Citibank affiliates have been collectively ordered to pay $4.5 million to settle CFTC charges regarding supervision failures that led to the deletion of subpoenaed audio files.
OECD report: Fear of enforcement drives fight against corruption
Fear of enforcement and the consequential reputational fallout of an enforcement action are the top drivers for developing an anti-corruption compliance program, states a new report by the Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development.
Survey: Practitioners weigh in on IIA’s new Three Lines Model
A look at results from a joint survey from Compliance Week and Workiva reveals companies could benefit from a deep dive into the IIA’s new Three Lines Model, especially in light of the recent pandemic.
Five ways the pandemic has changed compliance—perhaps permanently
It’s a good thing you’re all experts in partnering for change, as more than 3 in 4 of you think COVID-19 will have a permanent impact on some compliance functions.
Ask a CCO: How do you keep the focus on compliance during a pandemic?
We asked nine prominent chief compliance officers what has been the most difficult part of ensuring ethics and compliance has remained top of mind for employees during the pandemic.
Ask a CCO: What drew you to compliance?
We asked nine prominent chief compliance officers across a multitude of industries what initially drew them to the compliance profession.
Ask a CCO: Which skill comes in most handy?
We asked nine prominent chief compliance officers across a multitude of industries which skill they think is most important in their CCO role.
‘FinCEN Files’ fallout: Where do banks go from here?
The “FinCEN Files” report raises the question: What should banks be doing to address the trillions of dollars’ worth of banking transactions that are facilitating criminal activity every year?
Enjoy ‘Compliance Officer Day’—you’ve earned it
In a 2020 full of Blursdays that all run together, it’s perhaps appropriate that the day created in your honor this year happens to fall when you don’t have to be in the office (otherwise known as your bedroom/kitchen table).
Inside the Mind of the CCO: 2020 a year like no other
Our second annual “Inside the Mind of the CCO” survey revealed that compliance practitioners, by and large, have stepped up to meet the unique challenges presented by this very different, very difficult year.
‘FinCEN Files’ highlight bank leadership flaws, not compliance flaws
Compliance has been taking some heat in the wake of the “FinCEN Files” reports, but it’s banks’ senior leadership that failed, not the folks filing all those SARs.
‘FinCEN Files’ report casts compliance officers in unfair light
The BuzzFeed “FinCEN Files” investigation purportedly uncovered evidence of a catastrophic, international collapse of internal controls within the world banking system. But that argument is misleading, to the point of being disingenuous.
Lesson for startups: Don’t try to fake compliance
Promising startups are often cut slack with compliance because investors feel they will eventually make it, but the time in between is ripe with dangers that extend well beyond the company, writes Martin Woods.
Recent OCC case shows widespread liability when a BSA program fails
Who faces liability when a Bank Secrecy Act program is deemed to be deficient? A series of recent enforcement actions taken by the OCC against individuals at a now-defunct New Jersey bank provides a case study.