All Parliament articles

  • UK compensation

    King’s Speech signals major employment law changes ahead in U.K.


    Compliance officers should take note of proposed laws in the U.K. with the newly elected Labor government setting the legislative agenda in the King’s Speech last week, promising consultations on enhanced employee rights and a higher minimum wage.

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    New U.K. codes strive to restore falling trust, integrity


    Codes of ethics and conduct are becoming ubiquitous, yet instilling high standards of corporate integrity still seems an elusive goal. Why is corporate culture such a challenge?

  • Article

    Vestager keeps competition role in new Commission


    Margrethe Vestager is staying put as Europe’s leader in the fight against anti-competitive practices, with a continued focus on Big Tech.

  • European Commission

    European Commission still gunning for Big Tech


    Coming on the heels of big enforcement actions against Google, Apple, Facebook, and Amazon, the European Commission is vowing to keep fighting against technology giants profiting at others’ expense.

  • Article

    Boris Johnson loses control of Brexit


    Britain PM Boris Johnson’s firm stance on Brexit has been shot down by Parliament; it remains to be seen when (or if?) the United Kingdom will be departing the European Union.

  • Article

    Deal or no deal: PM promises Brexit on Oct. 31


    Several recent decisions by new Prime Minister Boris Johnson suggest the United Kingdom will crash out of the European Union on the Oct. 31 deadline without a deal.

  • Article

    PM May resigns: What next for Brexit?


    U.K. Prime Minister Theresa May steps down on June 7, following numerous attempts to get Parliament to back her Brexit plan.

  • Article

    PM May unveils plan for latest version of Brexit deal


    U.K. Prime Minister Theresa May warned MPs if they don’t back the latest amended Withdrawal Agreement Bill, they will not vote on whether there should be a second Brexit referendum.

  • BrexitQuestion

    U.K. plans Brexit vote in June


    A look at possible consequences of the MP vote on Prime Minister Theresa May’s Brexit deal scheduled for early June.

  • clockcalendar

    Brexit extended until 31 October


    EU leaders continue to dawdle on Brexit. The U.K.’s exit from the European Union has once again been delayed—this time until Oct. 31.

  • brexitcalendar

    MP’s Brexit motions defeated for 2nd time


    After another failed attempt at Brexit consensus, the United Kingdom remains in turmoil. Prime Minister Theresa May will meet with her cabinet Tuesday to decide next steps.

  • Brexitdeadlock

    Brexit deadlock: Going through the motions


    With U.K. Prime Minister Theresa May’s Brexit deal twice defeated, Members of Parliament were tasked with finding an alternative solution through a series of eight “indicative,” non-binding votes. After all eight were rejected, what happens next?

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    May: Approve my Brexit plan, and I’ll resign


    With a bold—but likely inevitable political gambit—U.K. Prime Minister Theresa May has made a promise to Members of Parliament: Vote for her Brexit plan, and she will resign.

  • AngryShareholders

    Interserve: Carillion Part II


    In an almost carbon copy of the Carillion collapse, peer contracting firm Interserve went into administration on Friday due to a majority of its shareholders rebelling against a debt cancellation deal that would have seen their investment at even lower levels than the deal that was finally agreed to.

  • Brexitclock

    U.K. votes to delay Brexit


    The United Kingdom’s Parliament voted 412-202 Thursday to ask the European Union for a delay to Brexit in yet another defeat for beleaguered Prime Minister Theresa May.

  • Whistle

    EU whistleblower protections closer to fruition


    As EU whistleblower protections inch closer, Neil Hodge provides an in-depth look at exactly what they will cover.

  • Article

    Brexit: 'No-deal' option rejected; delay vote coming


    A day after voting down Prime Minister Theresa May’s proposed Brexit deal for the second time, the U.K. Parliament voted Wednesday to reject leaving the European Union without a deal by a 321-278 margin.

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    Labour says no to no-deal Brexit, yes to second referendum


    The U.K. Labour Party announced it would push forward an amendment to the government’s Brexit motion that would make its “credible alternative plan” the Brexit negotiating position.

  • Blog

    U.K. committee slams Facebook as chief visits Zuckerberg


    Facebook behaves like a “digital gangster,” has deliberately broken privacy and competition law, and should be subject to statutory regulation urgently, according to a U.K. parliamentary report.

  • Blog

    May’s Brexit plan suffers historic defeat


    With one of the most devastating losses in the history of British politics, Prime Minister Theresa May was handed a rebuke of her proposed Brexit framework for the future relationship between the European Union and the United Kingdom.