All Surveys & Benchmarking articles – Page 16
Does ESG offer opportunity? Or is it just another area for compliance friction?
Compliance practitioners share their experiences navigating responsibilities related to environmental, social, and governance without stepping on the toes of other colleagues.
TPRM panel: Underscoring need for first line of defense to own risk
Panelists discussing risk ownership at CW’s virtual TPRM and Oversight Summit share their experiences educating first-line leaders on their roles and responsibilities in the TPRM process.
Data gathering, management buy-in among SEC climate rule pain points
Respondents to our “Inside the Mind of the CCO” survey that have begun complying with the Securities and Exchange Commission’s climate-related disclosure rule share the biggest hurdles they’ve faced.
TPRM due diligence best practices: No one-size-fits-all approach
Panelists at CW’s virtual TPRM and Oversight Summit stressed patience in developing proper risk management and due diligence practices, advising companies to find their “north star.”
CCO/CECO salary data: Five noteworthy trends
Chief compliance officers are earning more than before compared to previous years of our “Inside the Mind of the CCO” survey, though trends like differences in gender pay persist.
ESG oversight highlighted in annual audit committee transparency report
Public companies continue to increase the overall level of audit committee disclosures in proxy statements, though there is room to improve quality by providing more tailored disclosures and transparency, according to the latest annual report.
Compliance budgets, staffing brace for impact of recession prep efforts
Respondents to our “Inside the Mind of the CCO” survey whose businesses are anticipating an economic recession note smaller budgets and the delay of new initiatives among efforts already undertaken to cut costs.
TPRM Summit: How to successfully implement data analytics
A panel of experts at CW’s virtual TPRM and Oversight Summit offered a how-to primer on using data analytics to monitor third-party risk while also highlighting some caveats to implementation.
Pressure on business or individual? CCOs torn on DOJ certifications
The Department of Justice’s new CCO certification requirement drew mixed reviews from respondents to our “Inside the Mind of the CCO” survey, with many questioning whether the policy might backfire on the compliance profession.
Tricky but doable: Tips for navigating sanctions in third-party relationships
Sanctions concerns don’t need to end all business relationships in high-risk regions. Experts at CW’s virtual TPRM and Oversight Summit share their experiences navigating compliance.
Survey: Measuring the impact of code of conduct training
Respondents to a survey from Compliance Week and online compliance training provider Traliant largely described their organization’s code of conduct training as effective, but the opportunity for customized, dynamic courses can take learning to the next level.
DOJ calling out compliance with 2022 policy shifts
If it seems the Department of Justice has compliance officers in its crosshairs with its controversial policy changes this year, that’s because it does. Some respondents to our annual “Inside the Mind of the CCO” survey embrace the challenge, while others are still skeptical.
Survey Report: Measuring the impact of code of conduct training
In the past, compliance training was regarded by companies as optional. Organizations can no longer afford to take that view.
TPRM Summit: Experts discuss FCPA lessons learned from ABB settlement
A panel on regulatory trends at CW’s virtual TPRM and Oversight Summit discussed lessons for compliance departments seeking to learn how to guard themselves against bad actors within their own firms contained in ABB’s recent $327 million bribery settlement.
SEC risk alert notes compliance issues regarding ID theft rule
The Division of Examinations at the Securities and Exchange Commission issued a risk alert detailing recent issues observed by inspectors regarding compliance with the agency’s identity theft red flags rule, Regulation S-ID.
Top ethics and compliance failures of 2022
Businesses not taking AML requirements seriously, years of noncompliant off-channel communications catching up to financial services titans, and a manufacturing firm that shared revenue with terrorists comprise CW’s list of the biggest ethics and compliance fails of 2022.
OCC sets sights on big banks in updated penalty guidance
The Office of the Comptroller of the Currency’s new procedures for assessing civil penalties establishes fines as high as $400 million for misconduct—more than double the highest total in previous guidance—based on the size of the institution and severity of the violations.
Big penalties, admissions fuel record SEC enforcement year
The Securities and Exchange Commission collected more than $6.4 billion in enforcement penalties, fees, and interest in fiscal year 2022—the largest amount in the agency’s history and a massive increase over a transition year in 2021.
Navigating using NFTs in business applications
Non-fungible tokens can take many forms. There are potential business applications already in use, and many more are being developed as technology evolves.
How to build an effective code of conduct
Literature and survey results regarding codes of conduct and ethics reveal the elements of strong (and weak) examples.