All Boards & Shareholders articles – Page 9
SEC champions proposals to amend outdated proxy solicitation rules
SEC Chair Jay Clayton and Commissioner Elad Roisman, among others, convened a roundtable to explore proposals to proxy voting rules calling for consistent regulation across the markets and better disclosure of conflicts to clients.
Survey: Board governance issues expanding amid volatility
The role board directors of public companies play in providing oversight and governance around business strategy, investments, and policies—and their focus on emerging issues—has reached new heights, according to the findings of BDO’s 2019 board survey.
Argo launches review into ‘decrepit’ governance woes
Argo Group International Holdings recently announced the launch of a review into governance and executive compensation matters following an SEC subpoena and harsh criticism from an activist investor group.
AT&T might be the next Wells Fargo (and doesn’t seem to be doing anything about it)
A federal securities lawsuit against AT&T and multiple executives of the company mirrors many of the same troubling ethics and compliance failures that plagued Wells Fargo. Inside, we take a deep dive into the allegations.
Walt Disney Company CFO joins P&G board
Procter & Gamble at its 2019 Annual Meeting of Shareholders elected Christine McCarthy, currently chief financial officer of The Walt Disney Company, to its board of directors, effective immediately.
Study: Shareholder support down for board nominees
The number of board nominees who failed to receive majority shareholder support in the first six months of 2019 reached a five-year high, according to the latest ProxyPulse report.
SEC modernizes rules on exchange-traded funds
Despite an effective date about a year out, regulated entities still need to make some decisions now about policies and procedures if they are relying on a new regulation applying to exchange-traded funds.
Understanding Canada’s new diversity disclosure requirements
Starting next year, Canadian companies will be required to disclose much more about their diversity efforts, including many who will have to do so for the very first time.
Shareholder lawsuit alleges massive fraud at AT&T
A lawsuit filed on behalf of shareholders against AT&T and its executives and directors alleges widespread fraudulent sales and customer-manipulation tactics regarding the company’s DirecTV Now offering.
CII urges companies to commit to long-term executive pay
The Council of Institutional Investors overhauled its policy on executive compensation, urging public companies to dial back the complexity of their plans and set longer periods for measuring performance for incentive pay.
Prudential subsidiaries to pay $33M for misleading disclosures
The SEC has charged two subsidiaries of Prudential Financial with failing to disclose conflicts of interest and making misleading disclosures to the boards for 94 funds they advised.
EY analysis: Audit committees increasing their disclosures to shareholders
Audit committees continue to increase the amount of disclosures they are providing to shareholders across a wide variety of categories, according to a recent analysis conducted by EY.
New SEC guidance addresses proxy voting process
New SEC releases address the applicability of proxy rules to proxy voting advice and provide guidance to investment advisers in fulfilling their proxy voting responsibilities, particularly when they retain the services of a proxy advisory firm.
Kudos to Business Roundtable for advancing ‘purpose of a corporation’
While some mock the true intent of the Business Roundtable’s newly revised “Statement on the Purpose of a Corporation,” others are lauding the fact that it brings social responsibility into the limelight.
Cathay Pacific execs quit due to Hong Kong protests
Amid pressure from Chinese authorities after initially not penalizing employees for taking part in the Hong Kong pro-democracy protests, two top Cathay Pacific executives have tendered their resignations.
Applied Materials appoints new board member
Applied Materials has appointed Yvonne McGill, currently chief financial officer and senior vice president of the Infrastructure Solutions Group at Dell Technologies, to serve on its board of directors.
Warren’s next battleground: private equity firms
Under newly filed legislation, The Stop Wall Street Looting Act, firms would share responsibility for the liabilities of companies under their control, including debt, legal judgments, and pension obligations.
IIA announces global chair and board for 2019-20
The Institute of Internal Auditors announced the election of a newly structured global board of directors for 2019-20.
CAQ governing board elects new leadership
The governing board of the Center for Audit Quality (CAQ) has elected EY’s Kelly Grier and BDO’s Wayne Berson as its chair and vice chair, respectively.
SFO appoints two non-executive directors
The U.K. Serious Fraud Office has appointed two new non-executive directors: Emir Feisal and Martin Spencer.