All Inside the Mind of the CCO articles – Page 2
Graphic: Ranking the pillars of ESG
Environmental, social, or governance—which does your company prioritize? Respondents to our Inside the Mind of the CCO survey were generally split, with trends emerging at industry level.
Graphic: 2021 CCO salary practitioner profiles
Benchmark against your peers with chief compliance officer salary data from over 300 respondents to our annual Inside the Mind of the CCO survey.
Compliance must carve out role in company ESG efforts
Respondents to our “Inside the Mind of the CCO” survey agree compliance should play a key part as businesses determine their ESG strategy—either through primary oversight or meaningful participation.
Inside the Mind of the CCO: New responsibilities come to fore in 2021
For the third straight year, respondents to our “Inside the Mind of the CCO” survey indicated lack of support and resources as the No. 1 part of their job that keeps them up at night. It’s cause for concern, especially as the role’s mandate grows.
The year of ransomware: How companies are boosting cybersecurity controls
High-profile ransomware events over the last year have prompted businesses to beef up cyber defenses through new investments, increased training, and more, according to our “Inside the Mind of the CCO” survey.
DEI & compliance: Signs of advancement and complications
A global outcry for racial justice reached a crescendo in 2020, and corporate America pledged to “meet the moment” with transformative change. According to our “Inside the Mind of the CCO” survey, there are macro signs of companies trying to move the needle, but gaps in DEI progress remain.
Stop normalizing the gender pay gap
Our “Inside the Mind of the CCO” survey revealed women in compliance were paid far less than men. In a profession where practitioners are hailed as paragons of ethical integrity, why is this OK?
Compliance: The happiest profession on Earth?
While the “Great Resignation” takes its toll on many industries, compliance officers responding to CW’s “Inside the Mind of the CCO” survey still near-unanimously say they are happy with their jobs. Amii Barnard-Bahn speaks with practitioners for their insights into the disparity.
What’s your worth? Succeeding in compliance pay negotiations
Whether you are asking for a pay raise in your current role or negotiating compensation in a new role, executive coach Amii Barnard-Bahn offers tips to help ensure you are paid equitably for the work you do and value you bring to your organization.
Salary data: Women getting CCO opportunities, but pay disparity pervades
A crunching of numbers from our “Inside the Mind of the CCO” survey showed the same gender pay disparity that pervades corporate America also exists in compliance.
Ask a CCO: What will compliance look like in 5 years?
We asked nine prominent chief compliance officers to look into their crystal balls, and all of them saw data and advanced technology playing a larger role in the future of the profession.
Spotlight on National Association of Black Compliance & Risk Management Professionals
Compliance Week interviews Jennifer Newton, founder and CEO of the National Association of Black Compliance & Risk Management Professionals, to get her take on diversity and inclusion efforts in the profession.
What compliance can do to advance diversity and inclusion efforts
Experts offer best practices on how to ensure your D&I policies, training, and resources are sufficient at this social and cultural inflection point.
Ask a CCO: Compliance’s role in D&I efforts
We asked nine prominent chief compliance officers what they can do or are doing to create a more progressive workplace.
Graphic: COVID-19 & Compliance
The coronavirus pandemic has created an entirely new set of challenges and responsibilities for compliance, as the data from our second annual “Inside the Mind of the CCO” survey shows.
Five ways the pandemic has changed compliance—perhaps permanently
It’s a good thing you’re all experts in partnering for change, as more than 3 in 4 of you think COVID-19 will have a permanent impact on some compliance functions.
Ask a CCO: How do you keep the focus on compliance during a pandemic?
We asked nine prominent chief compliance officers what has been the most difficult part of ensuring ethics and compliance has remained top of mind for employees during the pandemic.
Ask a CCO: What drew you to compliance?
We asked nine prominent chief compliance officers across a multitude of industries what initially drew them to the compliance profession.
Ask a CCO: Which skill comes in most handy?
We asked nine prominent chief compliance officers across a multitude of industries which skill they think is most important in their CCO role.
Enjoy ‘Compliance Officer Day’—you’ve earned it
In a 2020 full of Blursdays that all run together, it’s perhaps appropriate that the day created in your honor this year happens to fall when you don’t have to be in the office (otherwise known as your bedroom/kitchen table).
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