All Resource articles – Page 22

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    e-Book: Monitoring Employee Conduct

    2015-07-24T10:45:00Z Provided by

    Employee surveillance is a pressing compliance need. Amid reports of scandals and other misconduct, the demand for smarter, tighter, and advanced surveillance is increasing. This e-Book, produced by Compliance Week in cooperation with Schwab Compliance Solutions, offers the latest thinking on what employees, regulators, and compliance practitioners need to know ...

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    e-Book: The Complexities of CCO Liability

    2015-07-22T15:00:00Z Provided by

    Compliance failures can occur at any time, but what happens when the root of the issue lies in the hands of the chief compliance officer (CCO)? Who becomes liable? The company or the CCO? Walking this tightrope can keep many executives and compliance practitioners up at night.Produced by Compliance Week ...

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    A Set of Best Practices for Targeting, Aligning, and Measuring Learning

    2015-07-21T09:00:00Z Provided by

    Learning expectations have never been higher. Changes in the global marketplace and workforce demographics are accentuating the need to leverage human capital as a competitive differentiator. Companies that can nimbly adapt to industry shifts are realizing greater market share and increased competitive advantage. Instead of regarding training investments as a ...

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    e-Book: New Rules: Revenue Recognition

    2015-07-17T10:15:00Z Provided by

    Research shows that many companies have yet to fully wrap their arms around the new regulations affecting revenue recognition. To complicate the issue, the 700-page document of new accounting rules contains uncertainties that require compliance officers to be on point with their game.This e-Book, produced by Compliance Week in cooperation ...

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    Groundbreaking Research on Policy Management from 900 E&C Leaders

    2015-07-15T10:15:00Z Provided by

    Use this exclusive benchmarking data to improve your program effectiveness.In NAVEX Global’s 2015 Ethics & Compliance Policy Benchmark Report, you'll learn what E&C professionals are doing to simplify policy-related tasks, address their most difficult challenges, and measure the effectiveness of their program. In addition to providing metrics you can use ...

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    e-Book: Corporate Policy Management: What You Don’t Know Can Hurt You

    2015-07-09T14:45:00Z Provided by

    Policy management is still a maturing business practice and, for many compliance officers, finding the right approach to policy management remains tricky. This e-Book, produced by Compliance Week in cooperation with NAVEX Global, explores the current state of policy management.We begin with “When Policy and Culture Collide,” a look at ...

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    Integrated Compliance: Always Audit Ready

    2015-06-24T16:30:00Z Provided by

    The burden and complexity of compliance is growing, and the repercussions for failing to comply fully with laws and rules are damaging and far reaching. Many regulations apply to companies regardless of industry, such as data privacy, safety, and work rules, while others are specific to an industry. Non-compliance in ...

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    e-Book: Internal Controls in an FCPA Compliance Program

    2015-06-22T14:30:00Z Provided by

    Internal controls have long been an overlooked requirement under the U.S. Foreign Corrupt Practices Act. This e-Book, written by Tom Fox, Compliance Week columnist and award-winning writer on FCPA issues, is a guide that compliance officers can follow to navigate the complexities of internal controls, to help mitigate the risk ...

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    e-Book: CSR and Compliance


    Europe has made significant advances in corporate social responsibility (CSR). European Union member states now back reforms where large companies will be expected to report on environmental and social issues, a move that shows how highly European investors value CSR initiatives.In this e-Book, we examine how major European companies are ...

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    Fortune 100 Compliance Report

    2015-06-02T13:15:00Z Provided by

    Marketing teams are continuing to increase investments in social media as they see continued success from this new channel of communication. The average Fortune 100 firm has over 320 branded social accounts, with over 200,000 followers and 1,500 employee participants—creating a complex compliance landscape with a flood of messages from ...

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    The Relationship Between Learning, Workforce Agility, and Business Performance

    2015-05-26T14:45:00Z Provided by

    With a constantly evolving business climate, encountering change is the new normal. As change permeates organizations, it challenges companies’ operational dexterity. Having an agile workforce is paramount to being prepared to effectively and efficiently adapt in times of change for maximum business impact. Organizations that embrace and practice agility are ...

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    e-Book: Managing Third-Party Risks

    2015-05-20T09:15:00Z Provided by

    In today’s complex business environment, almost every company depends on outside vendors and other third parties to some extent—and often to a great extent. Taming the increasing risk exposure and threats that come with managing third parties can overwhelm compliance officers.This e-Book, produced by Compliance Week in cooperation with ProcessUnity, ...

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    In Focus: 2015 Compliance Trends Survey

    2015-05-19T10:30:00Z Provided by

    For the last five years, Compliance Week has published an annual benchmarking survey, asking compliance officers how they work with their peers, what their responsibilities are, what resources they have and much more. This executive summary is the culmination of a much larger effort. We begin every winter, creating a ...

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    2015 Anti-Bribery and Corruption Benchmarking Report

    2015-05-18T09:15:00Z Provided by

    How do companies navigate bribery and corruption? On May 18, Compliance Week and Kroll released their 2015 Anti-Bribery & Corruption Benchmarking Report. The results give compliance officers a view into the anti-bribery and corruption threats they face and share resources for creating a risk-based compliance program. If you haven't already ...

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    2015 Survey of State Tax Departments

    2015-05-08T14:30:00Z Provided by

    Now in its 15th year, Bloomberg BNA’s 2015 Survey of State Tax Departments clarifies each state’s position on the gray areas of corporate income tax and sales and use tax administration, with an emphasis on nexus policies.New portions of the survey this year address income and sales tax nexus for ...

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    e-Book: The Nuts and Bolts of T&E Policies

    2015-05-07T09:45:00Z Provided by

    The risks lurking within the travel and entertainment account—bribery, accounting fraud, excessive spending, and much more—make proper oversight of T&E an urgent job for compliance and audit executives. Worse, even when you have a strong T&E policy, the ingenuity of employees trying to evade it knows few boundaries. And problems ...

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    Vendor Risk Management: Conducting Pre-Contract Due Diligence

    2015-05-06T15:30:00Z Provided by

    Today’s global, digital economy opens up a world of opportunities—and a whole new world of risk exposure. When important parts of your business can be fulfilled anywhere, risks may be everywhere.If one of your vendors takes a hit, you could take the fall. Which begs the question: Do you have ...

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    Engaging the Evolving Workforce in Compliance

    2015-05-05T09:45:00Z Provided by

    The workforce is becoming more diverse by generations, geographies, and cultures. People are working from scattered locations. The options for how we consume information are more varied than ever and a preference for short, easy-to-research, and personally relevant content is on the rise. Compliance must evolve to keep up with ...

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    e-Book: Cyber-Security: Rising to the Challenge

    2015-04-30T13:30:00Z Provided by

    The risk of critical information falling into the hands of hackers is now higher than ever, and governing information remains a struggle. Worse, the technical nuance associated with cyber-security can be somewhat intimidating for internal auditors and compliance officers. While many organizations are trying to avoid falling victim to a ...